[LOGIC] List Mailing Archive 2003
the [LOGIC] list in order to receive information about conferences, job
advertisements and logic-related news.
Archived years:
2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 all
Received: 2003-12-25:
Received: 2003-12-22:
Received: 2003-12-19:
Received: 2003-12-18:
Received: 2003-12-15:
Received: 2003-12-04:
Received: 2003-12-02:
Received: 2003-11-26:
Received: 2003-11-25:
Received: 2003-11-18:
Received: 2003-11-13:
Received: 2003-11-12:
Received: 2003-11-11:
Received: 2003-11-05:
Received: 2003-10-31:
Received: 2003-10-30:
Received: 2003-10-29:
Received: 2003-10-27:
Received: 2003-10-17:
Received: 2003-10-14:
Received: 2003-10-09:
Received: 2003-10-08:
Received: 2003-10-07:
Received: 2003-10-02:
Received: 2003-10-01:
Received: 2003-09-30:
Received: 2003-09-29:
- FLOPS 2004, The Seventh International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming, Nara (Japan), April 2004
- ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March/April 2004
- Victoria International Conference 2004, Wellington NZ, February 2004
- LPNMR-7, 7th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Ft Lauderdale FL, Jan 2004
- Logic and Computation Workshop, Tahuna Beach, Nelson NZ, January 2004
- ILLC-Day in Bonn, November 30, 2003
- Assistant Professorship Loyola University New Orleans, Philosophy of Science/Logic
- MAMLS at Dartmouth --- Baumgartner Celebration, October 2003
- New bimonthly e-mail newsletter of the International Mathematical Union: IMU-Net
- Workshop and Conference on Logic, Algebra and Arithmetic, Tehran Iran, October 2003
Received: 2003-09-19:
Received: 2003-09-18:
Received: 2003-09-17:
Received: 2003-09-16:
Received: 2003-09-15:
Received: 2003-09-08:
Received: 2003-09-07:
Received: 2003-09-04:
Received: 2003-09-02:
Received: 2003-08-29:
Received: 2003-08-28:
Received: 2003-08-25:
Received: 2003-08-20:
Received: 2003-08-19:
Received: 2003-08-15:
Received: 2003-08-08:
Received: 2003-08-07:
Received: 2003-08-04:
Received: 2003-08-02:
Received: 2003-07-29:
Received: 2003-07-28:
Received: 2003-07-24:
Received: 2003-07-17:
Received: 2003-07-15:
Received: 2003-07-14:
Received: 2003-07-10:
Received: 2003-07-09:
Received: 2003-07-02:
Received: 2003-06-17:
Received: 2003-06-16:
Received: 2003-06-12:
Received: 2003-06-05:
Received: 2003-06-02:
Received: 2003-05-30:
Received: 2003-05-26:
Received: 2003-05-23:
Received: 2003-05-22:
Received: 2003-05-15:
Received: 2003-05-14:
Received: 2003-05-13:
Received: 2003-05-06:
Received: 2003-04-30:
Received: 2003-04-25:
Received: 2003-04-23:
Received: 2003-04-16:
- JSL and BSL online at Project Euclid
- Sixtieth Birthday of Istvan Juhasz, "Topology 2003", August 2003, Budapest
- Fields Institute Summer School "Logic and Foundations of Computation", Ottawa (June 2003)
- Greater Boston Logic Meeting, MIT, May 2003
- "Logic, Game Theory and Social Choice 3", Siena Sep 2003
- James Baumgartner's Sixtieth Birthday: MAMLS Meeting at Dartmouth College NH, Oct 2003
- "The Decidable and the Undecidable in Mathematics Education", Conference in Brno Sep 2003
- ICALP 2003 Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Eindhoven June/July 2003
Received: 2003-04-14:
Received: 2003-04-11:
Received: 2003-04-10:
Received: 2003-04-09:
Received: 2003-04-04:
Received: 2003-04-01:
Received: 2003-03-31:
Received: 2003-03-26:
- Professur fuer Philosophie mit Schwerpunkt in der Geschichte der Philosophie und in systematischen Fragen der theoretischen Philosophie (Universitaet Zuerich)
- M4M-3 (Methods for Modalities), Nancy September 2003
- ICoS-4 (Inference in Computational Semantics), Nancy Sep 2003
- PHINEWS, Volume 3 - 2003 - The Free Newsletter for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications
- Update [Re: First information on LC 2004 in Torino (Italy)]
- TIME-ICTL 2003, Cairns (Australia), July 2003
- IJCAI-03, Eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Acapulco (Mexico), August 2003
- AiML (Advances in Modal Logic) 2004, Manchester UK, September 2004
- TARK IX (Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge), Bloomington IN, June 20-22, 2003
- 2003 FCRC, San Diego CA, June 7-14
Received: 2003-03-21:
Received: 2003-03-20:
Received: 2003-03-18:
Received: 2003-03-17:
Received: 2003-03-14:
Received: 2003-03-13:
Received: 2003-03-10:
Received: 2003-03-09:
Received: 2003-03-06:
Received: 2003-03-04:
Received: 2003-03-03:
Received: 2003-02-26:
Received: 2003-02-24:
Received: 2003-02-22:
Received: 2003-02-20:
Received: 2003-02-11:
Received: 2003-02-09:
Received: 2003-02-07:
- British Logic Colloquium 2003 at St Andrews (Scotland), 3.9.-6.9.2003
- First information on LC 2004 in Torino (Italy)
- EU Grants for LC 2003 in Helsinki
- Isaac Newton Institute Program "Model Theory and Applications to Algebra and Analysis"; January to July 2005
- Tenth Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'2003), Brazil, July 2003
- James H.Simons Conference on Quantum and Reversible Computation, Stony Brook May 2003
- Conference on Lattices, Universal Algebra and Applications in Lisbon May 2003
- Workshop on Proof Theory, Edinburgh, March 2003
- OOPSLA 2003, Anaheim CA, October 2003
Received: 2003-02-06:
Received: 2003-02-03:
Received: 2003-02-01:
Received: 2003-01-31:
Received: 2003-01-28:
Received: 2003-01-24:
Received: 2003-01-22:
Received: 2003-01-15:
Received: 2003-01-13:
Received: 2003-01-09:
Received: 2003-01-08:
Received: 2003-01-06:
Archived years:
2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 all