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Summer School on Proof Theory, Computation and Complexity in Dresden (June/July 2003)

Summer School and Workshop on
                  Proof Theory, Computation and Complexity

                      Technische Universitaet Dresden
                            June 23-July 4, 2003


Preliminary Program and Call for Participation

We plan the following courses and workshop for graduate students and
researchers.  Like for last year's events on Proof Theory and Computation
(Dresden) and Proof, Computation, Complexity (Tuebingen), we aim at a
meeting where people have plenty of time to exchange ideas. The summer
school consists of eight advanced courses; the workshop takes place in the
last two days.

For participating in the summer school we ask for a small fee (currently
undetermined).  We are looking into the possibility of providing grants to
participants who ask for them.  Registration is requested, please send an
email to <mailto:PTEvent@Janeway.Inf.TU-Dresden.DE>, making sure you
include a very brief bio (5-10 lines) stating your experience, interests,
home page, etc.  We will select applicants in case of excessive demand.  
We will provide assistance in finding an accommodation in Dresden.

Week 1, June 23-27: courses on

     Denotational Semantics of Lambda Calculi
     Achim Jung (Birmingham, UK)

     Proof Theory with Deep Inference
     Alessio Guglielmi (Dresden, Germany)

     Five Lectures on Proof-Analysis
     Sara Negri (University of Helsinki and Academy of Finland)

     Mass Problems
     Stephen Simpson (Penn State, USA)

Week 2, June 30-July 2: courses on

     Natural Deduction: Some Recent Developments
     Jan von Plato (Helsinki, Finland)

     Semantics and Cut-elimination for Church's (Intuitionistic) Theory of
     Types, with Applications to Higher-order Logic Programming
     Jim Lipton (Wesleyan, USA)

     Dependent Type Theories
     Peter Aczel (Manchester, UK)

     Term-rewriting and Termination in Proof Theory
     Roy Dyckhoff (St Andrews, Scotland)

     July 3-4: workshop (consult the web site for details)

Dresden, on the river Elbe, is one of the most important art cities of
Germany.  You can find world-class museums and wonderful architecture and
surroundings.  We will organize trips and social events.

This program is still subject to variation, please check the web site.

Please distribute this message broadly.