Logic List Mailing Archive

Sixtieth Birthday of Istvan Juhasz, "Topology 2003", August 2003, Budapest

Topology 2003

                     Colloquium on General and Set-Theoretic Topology
                      dedicated to the 60th birthday of Istvan Juhasz

                               Budapest, Hungary

                             from 8 to 13 August, 2003


Organizing Committee: 
    A. Csaszar (cochairman), A.Hajnal (chairman), J. Gerlits, E. Makkai,
G. Sagi, L. Soukup (secretary), Z. Sezntmiklossy


Invited main speakers

    A. V. Archangelskii (Athens, OH) 
    A. Dow (Charlton, NC) 
    K. Kunen (Madison) 
    J. van Mill (Amsterdam) 
    S. Shelah (Jerusalem) 
    W. A. R. Weiss (Toronto)