Logic List Mailing Archive

International Master's Program in Logic; Universiteit van Amsterdam

[Please forward to potentially interested students!]

Institute for Logic, Language and Computation ILLC

International and Interdisciplinary Program


  The Master's Programme in Logic is a two-year curriculum (with a
"fast-track option" that can reduce it to one year) with specializations
in the areas of Mathematical Logic and Foundations, Information and
Computation, and Language and Cognition - all prominent themes in the
research profile of ILLC. 

  It is intended for students from mathematics, computer science,
linguistics or philosophy who have some background in logic and who want
to pursue logical theorizing and its applications in depth. Students that
complete the programme successfully are uniquely qualified for doing
research in an interdisciplinary research environment, either as PhD
students or in an application oriented environment.

  The programme is intended for students with a B.A. degree or equivalent.
German students in the old Diplom/Magister system can apply if they have a
Vordiplom/Zwischenpruefung and one year of studies afterwards during which
they have taken relevant courses of the Hauptstudium.

  All courses are taught in English.

  The full programme awards a MSc degree, 'Master of Science in Logic'.
The programme is 120 ECTS, and consists of course work (90 ECTS) and a MSc
thesis (30 ECTS). A more detailed description of the programme is
available as a PDF document at


  For advanced students who have obtained relevant qualifications in their
earlier studies, it is possible to get exemptions for specific courses.
(For example, German students who have completed more than one year of
their Hauptstudium.) Minimum requirements are the MSc-thesis (30 ECTS) and
30 ECTS of course-work. Exemptions are determined by the Board of
Examiners on the basis of a written request of the student, which has to
be filed upon application.

  The application deadline for the Academic Year 2003/2004 is

                April 15th, 2003.

  More information can be found at
