Logic List Mailing Archive

Workshop on Proof Theory, Edinburgh, March 2003

Workshop on Proof Theory and Algorithms
23 to 29 March 2003, Edinburgh


Registration Form Scientific Organising Committee:
Gianluigi Bellin (bellin@dcs.qmul.ac.uk)
Martin Hyland (m.hyland@dpmms.cam.ac.uk)
Ulrich Kohlenbach (kohlenb@brics.dk)
Angus Macintyre (angus@maths.ed.ac.uk)

The aim of the Workshop is to promote interaction between traditional
proof-theory and a more structural mathematical proof theory. The
Organisers hope to encourage the application-oriented to consider their
tools more abstractedly and those with foundational leaning to focus on
possible applications.

The meeting is supported by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research