Featured image of post Website Restyle

Website Restyle

New year, new website - frame from Clueless, under Fair Use

What’s this? Our website doesn’t look like the personal webpage of your previous thesis supervisor anymore? Oh, my!

That’s right! To celebrate the new academic year (and the new board!), we restyled our website.

Some old features have now been made more visible. Below our logo, you can find three icons:

  • the calendar icon links to our iCalendar. If your calendar app supports subscribing to online .ics URLs (rather than just opening offline files in this format), you can sync your agenda with our events;
  • the RSS icon points to our RSS feed. If you add it to any app able to follow RSS feeds, you’ll receive a notification every time we publish something here;
  • the code icon will bring you to the public source code for this website. You can fix or improve anything you want there!

New features include:

  • a search bar;
  • a global archive grouping posts by year;
  • categories and tags for each post;
  • related content under each post;
  • optional light mode.

Checking out our next events will now be oh-so-pleasant! Hope to see you at one of those soon.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Built with Hugo
Theme Stack designed by Jimmy