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ILLC Foosball Tournament

Drama at the foosball table

“It’s coming home! It’s coming home!” the English were singing last summer, in the hope that England would win the World Cup and football would come back home, as football was first invented in the UK. “It’s coming home! It’s coming home!” Ex Falso was singing before the foosball tournament, in the hope that their team would win and the trophy would go back in their hands, as they bought it in the first place. Likewise for the WC, it didn’t go home. Tim and Dave won the tournament after a strenuous final, funnily enough against the Ex Falso team composed by the Italians Giuliano and Federico. The Dutchman striker of the team showed some remarkable skills. As Tim is a master of Logic and Quantum Physics, the crowd wondered when and where he also became a master of Foosball. Ex Falso investigated the past of the Dutch striker and discovered that his Bachelor was on Mathematical systems of foosballs. His teammate and great defender David, had to run home as soon as the final ended, as the next day he had to defend his thesis. He set his graduation date the day after the foosball tournament, coincidence?? We very hardly believe that. However, rumour has it that the englishman’s defence was not as simple as he expected. The reason being that a member of Ex Falso was part of his Examination Committee and had prepared him a very crude vengeance. Some other students think that Dave left the ceremony of the final early to fly away without even graduating, as he accomplished what he considered the true achievement, winning an Ex Falso tournament. Apparently he is living his glory in some Caribbean beach far from the ILLC. Some teams are worth mentioning such as the one composed by two girls, Marta and Vita. The two Italian students have been eliminated by the Iberico team represented by David and Nuno, the latter was defined as a ruthless striker as he showed no pity in any opportunity he had to score. There were also moments of great anxiety during the tournament when the CWI team was leading 1-0 the semi-final against the Ex Falso team. The ILLC Director made it an imperative statement that CWI could not win a tournament with logicians and threaten to destroy Ex Falso in case such thing would occur. Hopefully Ex Falso made a great come back and managed to with their semi by 2-1. The other semifinal faced Tim and David against Davide and Hrafn. The Italian, heartbroken after a lost battle to gain Giuliano as his teammate, found in the Icelandic student the perfect partner. They only surrendered in the semi against the power of Tim and David. Congratulations to Tim&Dave and thank you to everyone who participated in the tournament. We hope to see you all at the next Ex Falso event!

Love, The Ex Falso team

Fall 2018 ILLC Foosball Tournament Fall 2018 ILLC Foosball Tournament

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