Featured image of post Ex Falso Night 2023/24x03 is coming!

Ex Falso Night 2023/24x03 is coming!

Ex Falso Night for the new semester

The new semester is underway! Ready for the first Ex Falso Night of 2024? On Friday, 23 February we are having a game night together. The event starts at 19:00, right after Lorenz’s COOL Logic Talk Hume on Hume’s Law: What he (actually) meant. Both events take place in the ILLC seminar room F3.20, at Science Park 107, floor 3.

Snacks and drinks, as always, are free! As with every other Ex Falso activity, all ILLC students and PhD candidates are invited.

Check out our Games page to know what new games our board is bringing to the table in 2024. Feel free to bring your own games, too!

Not interested (only) in games? We got you covered! Fill in the Advanced Informal(ized) Social Borrelen questionnaire: you’ll get to decide what social activities you want at ILLC in 2024!

See you on Friday!

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