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Board Members Wanted!

Looking for board members (again)

Ex Falso is…

Ex Falso is the social committee for Master of Logic and Logic Year students at ILLC. We organize social events when you need to get your head off your studies!

Here’s a selection of our worst pictures.

… Dutch Borrels… (2016-17)

Ex Falso borrel Ex Falso borrel

Ex Falso borrel Ex Falso borrel

… table tennis, chess, and foosball tournaments… (2018-19)

Table tennis tournament Table tennis tournament

Trophy reading “Table Tennis ILLC Champion 2018 Tournament” Poster showing first ILLC Chess Champion Marco Degano in a photoshopped crown and holding a trophy

… talent shows… (2017-19)

Ex Falso talent show Ex Falso talent show Ex Falso talent show

Ex Falso talent show Ex Falso talent show Ex Falso talent show

Ex Falso talent show Ex Falso talent show

… board game nights… (2023-24)

Blaž, Klarise, Sandrine, Stefano, and Cezary playing “Hollywood 1947” Sandrine, Klarise, Blaž, Tenyo, Laura, Sarah, Paulius, Pablo, Lucrezia, Cezary, and Stefano playing “Hollywood 1947” Férreol, Giacomo, Lorenz, Orestis, and Blaž discussing in front of a blackboard with logical formulas on it Hannah and Justus playing chess

Alyssa and Rodrigo looking at a blackboard Justus, Stefano, and a PhD student playing Hollywood 1947 Rodrigo, Alyssa, and Nano posing for a picture

Rodrigo studying the “Gay Sauna” board game instructions Blaž and Jonathan playing Saboteur Chiara, Jonathan, and Blaž playing Saboteur Francijn, Chiara, Justus, Blaž, and Jonathan playing Saboteur

… ??? (2024-)

And now? We have the money, so we only need ideas. What shall we do this year? Logic-themed movie night? Board games? Art and craft? Museum visit? Logic Hackaton? Volunteer work? Video games? Improv night? Impromptu presentation? Something else? Join the board and be the one to decide!

Whom are we looking for?

Mom’s speaker: Who’s the board’s next member?. Bender, looking in a mirror:It’s me! Nobody else look in the mirror!

Being on the board is actually a low-effort kind of commitment. We know we need both chaotic and organised people to keep the board afloat. Are *you* up for it?

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