Logic List Mailing Archive
New Journal: LMCS (Logical Methods in Computer Science)
Logical Methods in Computer Science is a fully refereed, open access,
free, electronic journal. It welcomes papers on theoretical and practical
areas in computer science involving logical methods, taken in a broad
sense; some particular areas within its scope are listed below. Papers are
refereed in the traditional way, with two or more referees per paper.
Copyright is retained by the author.
Full-text access to all papers is freely available. No registration or
subscription is required, and a free email notification service is
Papers can be submitted electronically either as ps-files or as pdf-files.
On acceptance, authors are asked to provide a source tex file as specified
in the Information for Authors. Even though the Journal is divided into
volumes for convenience, papers are published on the internet as soon as
they are accepted for publication. The goal is to have a fast turnaround
of about six months from submission to publication. To that end, papers
are accepted only if no major revision of the manuscript is needed (in the
case of a major revision, authors may re-submit).
Logical Methods in Computer Science is an overlay journal of the Computing
Research Repository (CoRR) which is a part of arXiv.org.
A disk archive and a hardcopy of the contents of Logical Methods in
Computer Science is maintained by the Department of Theoretical Computer
Science at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, and also by
a large number of mirror sites around the world.
Topics of Logical Methods in Computer Science:
* Algebraic methods
* Automata and logic
* Automated deduction
* Categorical models and logic
* Coalgebraic methods
* Computer-aided verification
* Concurrency theory
* Constraint programming
* Database theory
* Defeasible reasoning
* Domain theory
* Emerging topics: Computational systems in biology
* Emerging topics: Quantum computation and logic
* Finite model theory
* Formalized mathematics
* Functional programming and lambda calculus
* Inductive logic and learning
* Interactive proof checking
* Logic and complexity
* Logic and games
* Logic and probability
* Logic for knowledge representation
* Logic programming
* Logics of programs
* Modal and temporal logics
* Program analysis and type checking
* Program development and specification
* Proof complexity
* Real time and hybrid systems
* Reasoning about actions and planning
* Satisfiability
* Security
* Semantics of programming languages
* Term rewriting and equational logic
* Type theory and constructive mathematics