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Workshop on Metainferences & Substructural Logics

29 Nov 2019
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Workshop on Metainferences and Substructural Logics

November 29, 2019

Argentinian Society of Philosophical Analysis (SADAF)

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Buenos Aires Logic Group (BA LOGIC) invites researchers and scholars in
philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, and related topics
to attend to the workshop to be held in Buenos Aires this November 29, 2019.

This Workshop aims to bring together researchers to discuss different
topics on Logic and Philosophical Logic, related with Substructural Logics
and Metainferences.

Invited speakers:

Bogdan Dicher (University of Lisbon)

Andreas Fjellstad (University of Bergen)

Program and Abstracts:

# Friday 29, November

*15:00 to 16:10* - Bogdan Dicher (University of Lisbon) Substructurality on
metainferential conceptions on logic

(with Francesco Paoli)

*16:20 to 17:30 *- Eduardo Barrio and Federico Pailos (UBA and
IIF-SADAF-CONICET) Meta-inferential classical logics, anti-validity and more

*18:00 to 19:10* - Bruno Da Ré, Federico Pailos, Damián Szmuc, and Paula
Teijeiro (UBA and IIF-SADAF-CONICET)  Duality, metainferences and
hierarchies of metainferential logics

*19:20  to 20:30* - Andreas Fjellstad (University of Bergen) Metainferential
reasoning with nested sequents

You can have a look at the abstracts at

Satellite Talks:

# Wednesday 27, November

17:00 to 18:10 - Andreas Fjellstad (University of Bergen) Structural proof
theory for Lucas' noncontractive classical logic (with Lucas Rosenblatt)

18:20 to 19:30 - Bogdan Dicher (University of Lisbon) Sentences, contexts,
and consequence

Organizing Committee:

Bruno Da Ré, Mariela Rubin, Isis Urgell

Attendance is free, but for organizational reasons please register by
e-mail, or at the PhilEvents page https://philevents.org/event/show/78146.
For this and for further inquiries, you can also contact the Organizing
Committee at marubin@gmail.com.
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam