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ICGI 2020: Grammatical Inference

26-28 Aug 2020
New York NY, U.S.A.

*The 15th International Conference on Grammatical Inference*

August 26-28, 2020
Manhattan, New-York, USA
Submission deadline: May 1st, 2020

*Apologies for eventual multiple receptions*

It is our pleasure to inform you about ICGI 2020, the major forum for 
presentation and discussion of original research papers on all aspects of 
grammar learning. ICGI, which has been organized bi-annually since early 
nineties, will be hosted this time at the NYC SUNY Global Center on Park 
Avenue, New-York, USA.

ICGI 2020 is the place to present your work on learning formal grammars, 
finite state machines, context-free grammars, Markov models, or any models 
related to language theory, stochastic or not. Both theoretical work and 
experimental analyses are welcomed as submissions. This year we especially 
encourage submissions related to connectionist models such as neural 
networks, since the tutorials of the first day will focus on that topic.

Topics of interest

- Theoretical aspects of grammatical inference: learning paradigms, 
learnability results, complexity of learning

- Empirical and theoretical research on query learning, active learning, 
and other interactive learning paradigms

- Empirical and theoretical research on methods using or including, but 
not limited to, spectral learning, state-merging, distributional learning, 
statistical relational learning, statistical inference and/or Bayesian 

- Learning algorithms for language classes inside and outside the Chomsky 
hierarchy. Learning tree and graph grammars.

- Learning probability distributions over strings, trees or graphs, or 
transductions thereof.

- Learning with contextualized data: for instance, Grammatical inference 
from strings or trees paired with semantics representations, or learning 
by situated agents and robots.

- Experimental and theoretical analysis of different approaches to grammar 
induction, including artificial neural networks, statistical methods, 
symbolic methods, information-theoretic approaches, minimum description 
length, complexity-theoretic approaches, heuristic methods, etc.

- Novel approaches to grammatical inference: induction by DNA computing or 
quantum computing, evolutionary approaches, new representation spaces, 

- Successful applications of grammatical learning to tasks in fields 
including, but not limited to, natural language processing and 
computational linguistics, model checking and software verification, 
bioinformatics, robotic planning and control, and pattern recognition.

Types of Contributions

We welcome three types of papers:

- Formal and/or technical papers describe original solutions (theoretical, 
methodological or conceptual) in the field of grammatical inference. A 
technical paper should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, 
the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the 
benefits of the contribution.

- Position papers can describe completely new research positions or 
approaches, open problems. Current limits can be discussed. In all cases 
rigor in presentation will be required. Such papers must describe 
precisely the situation, problem, or challenge addressed, and demonstrate 
how current methods, tools, ways of reasoning, may be inadequate.

- Tool papers describing a new tool for grammatical inference. The tool 
must be publicly available and the paper has to contain several use-case 
studies describing the use of the tool. In addition, the paper should 
clearly describe the implemented algorithms, input parameters and syntax, 
and the produced output.

Selected authors will be encouraged to submit an extended version of their 
work to an upcoming  special issue of an international journal (to be 

Guidelines for authors

Accepted papers will be published within the Proceedings of Machine 
Learning Research series (http://proceedings.mlr.press/). They must be 
submitted in pdf format through EasyChair. The total length of the paper 
should not exceed 12 pages on A4-size paper. The prospective authors are 
strongly recommended to use the JMLR style file for LaTeX 
(https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/jmlr) since it will be 
the required format of final published version. The conference proceedings 
will be submitted for indexing to the Web of Science Database.

Important Dates

Deadline for submissions is: May 1, 2020

Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2020

Camera-ready copy: July 15, 2020

Conference: August 26-28, 2020

Conference Chairs:

Jane Chandlee, Haverford College

Rémi Eyraud, QARMA team, Aix-Marseille University

Jeffrey Heinz, Stony Brook University

Adam Jardine, Rutgers University

Program committee consists of almost thirty recognizable researchers 
(names will appear on the website soon).

For any enquiries regarding general issues, the program, or if you are a 
potential sponsor, please contact one of the conference chair.

We look forward to seeing you at ICGI 2020.


Adam, Jane, Jeffrey, Rémi

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