Logic List Mailing Archive

PCC'05: Proof Theory, Computation, Complexity: July 2005 (Lisbon, Portugal)

The 4th International Workshop on
Proof Theory, Computation, Complexity

July 16-17, 2005
Lisbon, Portugal


PCC'05 will be held in Lisbon, on July 16-17, in conjunction with
ICALP'05, the 32nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Programming. See http://cmaf.lmc.fc.ul.pt/~isarocha/pcc05.html and
http://icalp05.di.fct.unl.pt/index.html for further information.

* Aims and Scope

The aim of PCC is to stimulate research in proof theory, computation,
and complexity, focusing on issues which combine logical and
computational aspects. Topics may include applications of formal
inference systems in computer science, as well as new developments in
proof theory motivated by computer science demands. Specific areas of
interest are (non-exhaustively listed) foundations for specification
and programming languages, logical methods in specification and
program development, new developments in structural proof theory, and
implicit computational complexity.

Past events were held
- 2004 in Dresden, in conjunction with the Summer School on Proof Theory 
and Automated Theorem Proving,
- 2003 in Dresden, in conjunction with the Summer School on Proof 
Theory, Computation, and Complexity, and
- 2002 in T?bingen.

* Contributions

PCC is intended to be a lively forum for presenting and discussing
recent work. Participants who want to contribute a talk are asked to
submit an abstract (LaTeX, 1-2 pages). The collection of abstracts
will be available at the meeting.

** Deadline: April 30th, 2005
** Please send your abstract to: kahle@fct.unl.pt

* Organization

The workshop will be organized by

- Reinhard Kahle, Lisbon and Coimbra
- Isabel Oitavem, Lisbon and
- Birgit Elbl, M?nchen.

It is affiliated with the 32nd International Colloquium on Automata,
Language and Programming ICALP'05. Participants have to register at
ICALP for the Workshop (see http://icalp05.di.fct.unl.pt/reg.html).