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CiSS 2019: Circularity in Syntax & Semantics

20-22 Nov 2019
Gothenburg, Sweden

Final call for submissions

Circularity in Syntax and Semantics 2019
20-22 November 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden

The conference is dedicated to aspects of circularity and ill-foundedness in formal methods. The aim is to gather together researchers who study and/or utilise these phenomena from different perspectives such as provability, formal reasoning, construction, computation and complexity. As well as invited speakers there will be sessions for contributed talks.

Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

- Logics with circular or self-referential semantics, such as temporal logics, fixed point logic, mu-calculi;
- Models of infinite computation, including automata and games;
- Non-wellfounded or circular derivation systems for provability, satisfiability, type-checking, etc.;
- Impredicative constructions in foundations, such as theories of inductive definitions, impredicative type theory and non-wellfounded set theory;
- Self-reference in natural and formal languages and their treatment;
- Philosophical considerations of any of the above topics.

We are proud to announce that the 2019 Lindström Lectures will be held in connection with CiSS and delivered by Johan van Benthem. More information is available at

Extended submission deadline: 6 September 2019
Notification: 30 September 2019
Registration deadline: TBA
Conference: 20?22 November 2019

- Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam)
- Mads Dam (KTH)
- Amina Doumane (Lyon & Warsaw)
- Mai Gehrke (CNRS)
- Helle Hvid Hansen (TU Delft)
- Paul-André Milliès (Paris Diderot)

Registration is mandatory but there is no registration fee for attendance.

We invite submissions for contributed talks on topics related to the theme of the meeting. These can be on published results or work in progress. Submissions via the EasyChair conference page:

Abstracts should be compiled using the EasyChair class file and are limited to 3 pages including references (12pt, 2cm margins).

- Bahareh Afshari (Gothenburg and Amsterdam) co-chair
- David Baelde (Cachan)
- Anupam Das (Copenhagen)
- Valentin Goranko (Stockholm)
- Graham Leigh (Gothenburg) co-chair
- Alexis Saurin (Paris)
- Yde Venema (Amsterdam)

- Bahareh Afshari (GU & UvA)
- Paul Gorbow (GU)
- Mattias Granberg Olsson (GU)
- Graham Leigh (GU)

For enquiries please email: bahareh.afshari@gu.se

* Swedish Research Council
* Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
* Association for Symbolic Logic
* Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science (University of Gothenburg)

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