Logic List Mailing Archive

Universals' Locales

8-9 Jan 2020
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to call your attention to a workshop sponsored by the British 
Academy, scheduled for 8-9 January, 2020, at the University of Edinburgh, 
titled "Universals' Locales: The International and Global History and 
Sociology of Modern Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences."

We are seeking early career scholars (by your own definition) interested 
in the history or sociology of the modern theoretical and mathematical 
sciences for an interdisciplinary 2-day workshop exploring the methods and 
implications of studying the local and global scales of seemingly 
universal knowledge. Conversations will be guided by a fantastic group of 
senior scholars: Martina Merz (Alpen-Adria-Universität), Tatiana Roque 
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), David Aubin (Sorbonne 
Université), and Ursula Martin (Oxford and Edinburgh).

Travel, accommodation, and meals during the workshop are funded for 
accepted participants. Please contact me via locales@mathglobal.org 
<mailto:locales@mathglobal.org> with any questions or expressions of 
interest. A brief formal application is due 20 September.

Further details and application information are at 
http://mathglobal.org/locales.html <http://mathglobal.org/locales.html>



Michael J. Barany
Lecturer, History of Science
The University of Edinburgh
http://mbarany.com <http://mbarany.com/>
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