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Short-term fellowships (3-12m) for guest PhD students in limits of variability in languages, Potsdam (Germany), Deadline: 15 Sep 2019

The Collaborative Research Centre SFB 1287 "Limits of Variability in 
Language: Cognitive, Grammatical, and Social Aspects" in Potsdam, Germany, 
invites applications for short-term fellowships available in 2020

Language users exhibit a high degree of variability at all levels of the 
linguistic system, language use, and language development and change. This 
variability in language can be characterised as a range of different 
possible linguistic behaviours that are available to a language user, a 
language community, or in specific languages, at any linguistic level. By 
exploring the systematicity and the limits of variability in linguistic 
behaviours, the main focus of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) is 
on identifying the constraints of the underlying linguistic system. 
Several projects jointly evaluate the limits, relations, dependencies, and 
commonalities of different types of variability across a range of 
linguistic phenomena from the perspectives of (A) language interaction and 
change, of (B) language processing, and of (C) grammatical systems. The 
CRC provides a fantastic research infrastructure including a large 
interdisciplinary network of researchers, its own graduate school, and 
funding opportunities for conference visits, summer schools, hosting 
international experts etc.

We are offering several three- to twelve-month fellowships to external PhD 
candidates who would like to do their research within one dedicated 
project of the CRC. The fellowship should take place between November 2019 
and December 2020. Please see the available projects here: 

The monthly fellowship is tax exempt and covers a basic amount (1365 EUR) 
plus direct costs (103 EUR) plus 400 EUR per child, if applicable. Holders 
of the grant need to cover health insurance on their own.

The University of Potsdam hosts leading groups in the field of linguistics 
and cognitive sciences ( 
http://www.uni-potsdam.de/en/cognitive-sciences/index.html). Potsdam is an 
attractive historical city and its palaces are a UNESCO World Heritage 
Site. Potsdam is close to Berlin, a culturally vibrant city and home to a 
lively start-up scene. Both cities have a high quality of life at modest 
living costs.

The University of Potsdam strives to maintain gender balance among its 
staff. Severely disabled applicants shall receive preference in case of 
equal qualifications. We invite applications from people with migration 

The fellowships require completed academic studies at an institute of 
higher learning (Master's degree or equivalent) and enrolment in a PhD 
programme. Applicants are also required to establish contact with the 
principal investigators of the project of interest well before submitting 
the application in order to discuss the possibility of collaboration and 
the details of the proposed research project. Please send your finished 
application as a single PDF file including: (1) a statement of research 
interests and motivation, (2) a full CV, (3) a short research proposal for 
the duration of the fellowship, (4) the names and e-mail addresses of at 
least two referees, (5) academic transcripts, (6) list of 
publications/talks/presentations, and (7) a web-link to a copy of the 
Master's thesis to Dr. Anastasiya Dockhorn-Romanova 
<mailto:dockhornromanova@uni-potsdam.de> dockhornromanova@uni-potsdam.de. 
The research proposal should have a title and state which project within 
the CRC the short-term researcher wants to be affiliated with (e.g., 

Deadline for the application for a fellowship in 2020 is September, 15, 
2019. Late applications may be considered if positions are unfilled.

For information see also: 

For further details please contact Dr. Anastasiya Dockhorn-Romanova 
<mailto:dockhornromanova@uni-potsdam.de> dockhornromanova@uni-potsdam.de

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