5-7 Aug 2019
Geneva, Switzerland
Call for Application Three travel bursaries of 300 CHF each (~270 EUR) available! CUSO Summer school in recursion theory and philosophy University of Geneva, Switzerland Geneva, August 5 - 7, 2019. Description The summer school aims at broadening the logical arsenal of formal philosophers and PhD students in philosophy. The courses will present some serious post-WWII logic for non-specialists. The event is inspired W. Hart's book "The evolution of Logic" and his presentation of what he called the four pillars of mathematical logic to a broad philosophical audience: constructibility, forcing, the priority method and Morley's theorem. The first course will present one of these pillars: the priority method for constructing recursively enumerable sets and the necessary background on computing machines, gödel numbers etc. that is necessary to formulate it. The second course will give a closer look to the study of definable sets and their classification in a ramified hierarchy: a theme that has its roots in Principia Mathematica but which has stimulated developments in set theory, in the theory of Gödel's constructible universe, in proof theory and in recursive function theory, mainly in the theory of hyperarithmetic sets. Lecturers Denis Hirschfeldt (University of Chicago) Harold Hodes (Cornell University) Schedule The school takes place over a period of 3 days August 5-7 at the University of Geneva. There will be two 2-hours lectures per day, in the morning. There will be a facultative discussion session on one of the afternoons. The titles of the minicourses are: 1) The priority method (Hirschfeldt) 2) Definable sets and ramified-types: a thread through the foundations of mathematics (Hodes) We will provide detailed information at our website: http://www.recursionandphilosophy.com/ Organizers Joshua Babic, Lorenzo Cocco, Michal Hladky, Fabrice Correia, Olivier Massin Application To apply send a CV a brief motivation letter (half a page) to: joshua.babic@unige.ch<mailto:kevin.mulligan@unige.ch> no later than July the 1st, 2019. Please indicate if you are interested in a travel bursary of 300 CHF (~270 EUR). The event is supported by CUSO (Conférence universitaire de Suisse Occidentale) and the Foundation Schmidheiny. -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam