Logic List Mailing Archive
GLLC X: "Games in Logic, Language and Computation" (Tilburg, NL; March 2005)
10th GLLC workshop
March 21st, 2005
10:30 - 15:30 hrs
University of Tilburg, room P211
(in building P, ground floor; entrance is north of the fountain)
Directions to the university and a campus map can be found at
Provisional program:
10:30-10:45 Arrival; coffee & tea
10:45-11:30 Gabriel Sandu (Helsinki): Deflationism and IF-logical
11-30-11:45 more coffee & tea
11:45-12:15 Theo Janssen (Amsterdam): IF-logic as Quantum logic
12:15-13:00 Xavier Caicedo (Bogota): Calculi and algebras for imperfect
information logic
13:00-13:45 lunch ("broodjes" will be served in the workshop room)
13:45-14:15 Elias Thijsse (Tilburg): The minimal knowledge paradigm
14:15-14:45 Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam): Games over Time: update and
revision in temporal logic
14:45-15:15 Barteld Kooi (Groningen): Model comparison games for update
15:15-15:20 Closing of the workshop
For your information: after the workshop, the program for the PhD-defense
of Francien Dechesne is as follows:
16:00 "lekenpraatje" ("layman's talk")
16:15 official ceremony
ca 17:30: reception at the Goossens-room (next to aula)
ca 19:00: buffet dinner and party in Breexz, located in the central
station of Tilburg.