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Postdoctoral positions in foundations of computer sciences, Paris (France), Deadline: 15 Nov 2018
IRIF Annual Postdoc Call (opens October - deadline mid-November)
IRIF (CNRS / U. Paris Diderot), Paris, France, is seeking excellent
candidates for about 10 postdoctoral positions in all areas of the
Foundations of Computer Science.
IRIF (Institute for Research in Foundations of Computer Science) is a
joint laboratory of the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific
Research) and Université Paris Diderot created in 2016 as the merger of
the previous laboratories LIAFA and PPS. Research in IRIF spans areas such
as the design and analysis of algorithms, complexity, combinatorics,
quantum computing, networks and complex systems and distributed
computation, theory and algorithms of graphs, automata theory and
applications, systems modeling and verification, foundations of
programming languages, interactive proof assistance systems, computational
formalisms. For further information about IRIF please see
The positions are financed either by the laboratory resources, group or
personal grants, or by joint applications of IRIF members and the
candidate to outside funding agencies. The starting date of the positions
will be in the course of 2019, usually around September-October but that
can depend on the financial support. For this call, the application
deadline is November 15, 2018, but late applications might be considered
for future calls or in case of unfilled positions.
Candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree before the start date of position.
Knowledge of French is not required, and applications can be sent either
in French or in English. It is recommended, prior to applying, to contact
one or more of the permanent members of IRIF, those closest to the
potential candidate's area, in order to get more information.
To apply to the positions, please visit
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam