Logic List Mailing Archive

"Mathematical & Astronomical Practices"

23-24 Nov 2018
St Andrews, Scotland

Workshop in St Andrews on Mathematical and Astronomical Practices

Registration is open for the Workshop on Mathematical and Astronomical 
Practices in pre-Enlightenment Scotland and her European Networks: 

Where: University of St Andrews
When: 23-24 Nov 2018

Speakers include:
     Antoni Malet (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
     Alison Morrison-Low (National Museums of Scotland)
     Pilar Gil (St Andrews)
     David Horowitz (Golden West College, California)
     Davide Crippa (CNRS, Laboratoire SPHERE, Paris)
     Philip Beeley (Oxford)
     Samuel Gessner (Lisbon)
     Alex Craik (St Andrews)
     Jane Wess (Independent)
     Steve Russ (Warwick)
     Olivier Bruneau (Lorraine)
     Albrecht Heefer (Ghent)
     Kevin Baker (Oxford)
     Bruno Almeida (Lisbon)

For programme and details see 

If you have any enquiries, please contact Isobel Falconer 

Organised by the BSHM and the School of Mathematics and Statistics, 
University of St Andrews; sponsored by the British Society for the History 
of Science, and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
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