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Two postdoctoral positions in SAT and CP, Singapore (Singapore)
Two post-doctoral research fellow positions in the area of SAT/CP/AI are
available at the School of Computing (http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg)
<https://www.w3schools.com>, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
The research will be primarily in the broad areas of SAT and CP with
relevance to Artificial Intelligence. Some areas of focus include sampling
and discrete integration techniques, optimization techniques, modelling,
and machine learning for CP/SAT. The positions will be for 1 year from
2018/19 but a longer period may be possible.
Job requirements:
1. A PhD in Computer Science (preferably related to SAT/CP).
2. Research experience in implementing solvers, modelling problems and applying
SAT/CP techniques.
Jointly supervised by Kuldeep S. Meel and Roland Yap.
How to apply:
Interested candidates should send their resume and statement about their
research to Kuldeep Meel (meel@comp.nus.edu.sg)
<https://meelgroup.github.io/files/meel@comp.nus.edu.sg> or Roland Yap
<https://meelgroup.github.io/files/ryap@comp.nus.edu.sg>. Please also include a
plan of research. While there is flexibility in research direction, please also
take into account the areas of focus listed above.
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam