Logic List Mailing Archive

LICS 2001 Call for Papers (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 15:00:49 -0600 (CST)
From: Martin Grohe <lics@math.uic.edu>
Reply-To: lics-request@math.uic.edu
Subject: LICS 2001 Call for Papers

		  Sixteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on 
	    June  16 - 19, 2001, Boston, Massachusetts



The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and
practical topics in computer science that relate to logic in a broad
sense. The conference is intended to emphasize the relevance of logic
to computer science.  We invite submissions on that theme. 

Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions
include: abstract data types, automata theory, automated deduction,
categorical models and logics, concurrency and distributed
computation, constraint programming, constructive mathematics, logic
in databases, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects of
program analysis, formal methods, hybrid systems, lambda and
combinatory calculi, linear logic, logical aspects of computational
complexity, logics in artificial intelligence, logics of programs,
logic programming, modal and temporal logics, model checking,
programming language semantics, reasoning about security, rewriting,
specifications, type systems and type theory, and verification.

Relevant Dates: 
The deadline for submissions is

			   January 8, 2001.

This deadline is firm; late submissions will not be considered.  Paper
submission will be electronic. The URL for electronic paper submission
is http://lics.cs.bell-labs.com.

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection before March 13, 
2001; accepted papers in a specified format for the proceedings will
be due by April 10, 2001. 

Invited Speakers: 
A number of distinguished speakers have agreed to give invited talks
at LICS '01. The tentative titles of these talks are:

  - Serge Abiteboul (INRIA Rocquencourt): Semistructured Data: From
    Practice to Theory

  - Andrew Appel, (Princeton): Proof-Carrying You-Name-It: Killer
    Apps for Logic in Computer Science

  - David Dill, (Stanford): Decision procedures and their use in
    formal verification 

  - Yuri Gurevich (Microsoft): Abstract State Machines

  - John Mitchell, (Stanford): Logic in Computer Security

  - Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen): The Engineering Challenge for Logic

Affiliated Workshops: 
As in previous years, there will be a number of workshops affiliated
with LICS '01:

  - Complexity, Logic, and Computation: A Symposium in Honor of Albert 
    Meyer (organized by J. Riecke).

  - Full Completeness and Full Abstraction (organized by S. Abramsky
    and P. Scott),  

  - Logic and Learning (organized by R. Khardon and G. Turan), 

  - Satisfiability Testing: Theory and Applications (organized by 
    H. Kautz and B. Selman)
See the LICS web site for more information on these workshops.

Submission Instructions: 
The first page of the extended abstract should include the title of
the paper, names and affiliations of authors, a brief synopsis, and
the contact author's name, address, phone number, fax number, and
email address. The extended abstract may not exceed 5000 words,
excluding bibliography and figures.  It must be in English and provide
sufficient detail to allow the program committee to assess the merits
of the paper. It should begin with a succinct statement of the issues,
a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of their
significance and relevance to the conference, all phrased for the
non-specialist.  Papers whose relevance to computer science is not
made clear may be rejected without consideration of their merits.
Technical development directed to the specialist should follow, with
sufficient details for specialists to judge the plausibility of the
results.  (If necessary, details can be included in a clearly-labeled
appendix or there can be a pointer to a manuscript on a web site.)
References and comparisons with related work should be included.
Submissions departing significantly from these guidelines risk

The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops.
All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright
release forms.  One author of each accepted paper will be expected to
present it at the conference.

Short Presentations:
LICS 2001 will have a session of short (5 - 10 minutes) presentations.
This session is intended for descriptions of work in progress, student
projects, and relevant research being published elsewhere; other brief
communications may be acceptable. Submissions for these presentations,
in the form of short abstracts (1 or 2 pages long), should be entered
at the LICS submission site between March 15 and March 31, 2001. Authors 
will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 20, 2001

Kleene Award for Best Student Paper: 
An award in honor of the late S.C. Kleene will be given to the best
paper, as judged by the program committee, written solely by one or
more students. A submission is eligible if all authors are full-time
students at the time of submission. This should be indicated in the
submission letter. The program committee may decline to make the award
or may split it among several papers.

The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
Association for Symbolic Logic, and the European Association for
Theoretical Computer Science.

Program Chair:
    Joseph Halpern
    Computer Science Dept.
    4144 Upson Hall    
    Cornell University
    Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
    Email: halpern@cs.cornell.edu
    Phone: +1 607 255 9562
    Fax:   +1 607 255-4428

Program Committee:
    Parosh Abdulla, Uppsala U.
    Rance Cleaveland, SUNY Stony Brook
    Hubert Comon, CNRS -- ENS Cachan
    Thomas Eiter, T.U. Vienna
    Erich Graedel, RWTH Aachen
    Nevin Heintze, Bell Labs   
    Radha Jagadeesan, Loyola U.
    Jean-Pierre Jouannaud, U. Paris-Sud
    Patrick Lincoln, SRI International
    David McAllester, AT&T Labs
    Ron van der Meyden, U. New South Wales
    Adolfo Piperno, U. Roma "La Sapienza" 
    Gordon Plotkin, U. Edinburgh
    Michel de Rougemont, U. Paris-II
    Thomas Streicher, T.U. Darmstadt
    Pawel Urzyczyn, U. Warsaw
    Pierre Wolper, U. Liege

Conference Chair:
    Harry Mairson
    Boston University
    111 Cummington Street
    Boston, MA 02215
    Email: mairson@cs.bu.edu

Publicity Chair:
    Martin Grohe
    Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
    University of Illinois at Chicago
    851 S. Morgan St. (M/C 249)
    Chicago, IL 60607-7045
    Email: grohe@uic.edu

General Chair:
    Samson Abramsky
    Oxford University Computing Laboratory 
    Wolfson Building 
    Parks Road 
    Oxford, OX1 3QD 
    United Kingdom
    Email: Samson.Abramsky@comlab.ox.ac.uk

Organizing Committee: 
    M. Abadi, S. Abramsky (chair), A. Aggarwal, M. Bezem, E. Clarke,
    R. Constable, N. Dershowitz, J. Diaz, H. Ganzinger,
    F. Giunchiglia, M. Grohe, D. Leivant, L. Libkin, G. Longo,
    D. A. Martin, J. Mitchell, E. Moggi, V. Pratt, J. Riecke,
    S. Ronchi della Rocca, J. Tiuryn, M.Y. Vardi, J. Vitter,
    G. Winskel.

Advisory Board:
    M. Abadi, S. Abiteboul, S. Abramsky, M. Dezani, J. Halpern,
    R. Impagliazzo, D. Kozen, L. Pacholski, A. Scedrov, D. Scott,
    J. Wing.