11-15 Sep 2018
Poznan, Poland
SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS *Poznan Reasoning Week 2018* https://poznanreasoningweek.wordpress.com/ Pozna? Reasoning Week 2018, which is the third edition of PRW, consists of three conferences, aimed at bringing together experts whose research offers a broad range of perspectives on systematic analyses of reasoning processes and their formal modelling. PRW 2018 is co-organised by the Institute of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Pozna?, Poland, and Institute of Philosophy, University of Zielona Góra, Poland. In 2018 we address: - games in reasoning research (Games and Reasoning 2018, 11.09.2018); - the interplay of logic and cognition (Logic and Cognition 2018, 12--13.09.2018); - refutation systems (Refutation Symposium 2018, 14--15.09.2018). SUBMISSION GUIDELINES We invite proposals for contributed talks. Please submit an extended abstract of max. 1.000 words, including references, prepared for blind review. As a first key-word, please indicate the event you want to submit your work to (GaR, L&C or RS). Please use the standard article LaTeX class for abstracts with plain bibliography style, or draft in 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, with 3 cm margins, using your preferred text editor. (Please note that accepted abstracts should eventually be submitted in LaTeX, for which help will be available.) Please submit via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=prw2018. LIST OF TOPICS The aim of the *Games and Reasoning* conference is to gather researchers from various fields who use games as tools in their research. The concept of a game includes here serious games, scientific discovery games, gamification techniques in science, games with a purpose as well as the more general approaches using game theoretical framework. We are interested in submissions addressing: - formal models of games and agents? behaviours involved in games; - games used to collect and analyse data (especially concerning reasoning); - meta-analyses of games as tools for cognitive processes studies. *Logic and Cognition *is an initiative focusing on research on the interplay of logic, cognitive science, psychology and computer science which aim at shedding the light on actual reasoning processes. In particular, we invite submissions on: - applications of logic to the analysis of actual human reasoning; - tools and methods suited for such applications; - neural basis of logical reasoning; - educational issues of cognitively-oriented logic. *Refutation *systems are axiomatic systems applied to non-valid formulas (or sequents). A refutation system consists of refutation axioms and refutation rules. We say that a formula A is refutable iff A is derivable from refutation axioms by refutation rules (or, dually, A multiple-conclusion entails some refutation axioms). The concept was introduced by ?ukasiewcz, but the idea of refutation was already known to Aristotle. This approach is complementary to standard proof methods. Although refutation systems are not widely known, we believe that the method has potential and can produce results that are both interesting and useful. The goal of this conference is to explain key concepts and techniques, and present new results on refutation systems. But we also expect exchanging ideas and posing interesting questions. We are interested in the following aspects of refutation systems: - Constructive Completeness Proofs; - Complementary Gentzen Systems; - Decision Procedures; - Non-monotonic Logic; - Hybrid Rules; - Falsifiability; - Non-classical Logics via Refutability; - Philosophical Aspects of Refutation. INVITED SPEAKERS - Camillo Fiorentini (University of Milano) - Nina Gierasimczuk (Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Danish Technical University) - Valentin Goranko (Stockholm University) - Gerhard Minnameier (Goethe University Frankfurt) - Gabriele Pulcini (New University of Lisbon) - Keith Stenning (University of Edinburgh) - Hans Tompits (Vienna University of Technology) - Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr-University Bochum) PUBLICATION Authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their original research for publication in a special volume in the *Studies in Logic* series by College Publications. Papers must be in the order of 6.000 to 8.000 words (including references), and must address one or more of the conference themes, whether from an empirical or a more conceptual perspective. FINANCIAL SUPPORT *Participation in the PRW 2018 events is free, however we ask you to register.* Participants from countries with underfunded academic institutions are invited to apply for a financial support (travelling costs refund, accommodation support). All correspondence concerning the financial support should be directed to Pawel.Lupkowski@amu.edu.pl. CONTACT All questions concerning submissions should be emailed to natalia.zyluk@amu.edu.pl. -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam