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COMMA 2018: Computational Models of Argument

12-14 Sep 2018
Warsaw, Poland

7th International COMMA Conference
12th-14th September 2018, Warsaw, Poland

Submission deadline: 20th April 2018


The *International Conference on Computational Models of Argument*, *COMMA*,
is a regular forum for presentation and exchange of the latest research
results concerning theory and applications of computational argumentation.
After the successful editions in Liverpool (2006), Toulouse (2008),
Desenzano del Garda (2010), Vienna (2012), Pitlochry (2014), and Potsdam
(2016), the biennial COMMA event will be hosted this year by the Institute
for Philosophy & Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN).

COMMA 2018 will be part of a series of events of the *Warsaw Argumentation
Week, WAW 2018* (6-16 Sept 2018, the webpage will be available soon), which
will include the next edition of the Summer School on Argumentation (SSA
2018), themed COMMA workshops, the 16th ArgDiap conference, and other
cognate meetings and events.

COMMA topics include, but are not limited to:

    - Formal, semi-formal and informal models for argumentation
    - Argumentation and Non-monotonic Reasoning
    - Dialogue based on argumentation
    - Strategies in argumentation
    - Argumentation and game theory
    - Argumentation and probability
    - Argumentation and narrative
    - Argumentation and computational linguistics
    - Argument mining
    - Analogical argumentation
    - Computational properties of argumentation
    - Reasoning about action and time with argumentation
    - Decision making based on argumentation
    - Argumentation in agent and multi-agent systems
    - Argumentation for coordination and coalition formation
    - Argumentation-based negotiation
    - Argumentation, trust and reputation
    - Argumentation and human-computer interaction
    - Systems for learning through argument
    - Implementation of argumentation systems
    - Tools for supporting argumentation
    - Demonstrations of innovative working applications and tools


We invite submission of original and unpublished work. Parallel submission
to journals or other conferences or workshops with published proceedings is
not permitted. Reviewing is single-blinded.

The conference includes a *Regular Track* and an *Innovative Applications
Track*. As to the latter, we encourage the submission of original papers
about innovative applications, e.g., in law, medicine, e-democracy, risk
assessment, intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems, argument
mining etc. Innovative applications papers will be assessed in an equally
rigorous reviewing procedure as regular track papers.

Paper submission, in PDF format, will be managed through *EasyChair* and
will be open between March 26 and April 20, 2018.

The *proceedings* of the conference will be published by IOS Press as an
open-access book.

Authors should prepare their submission following the *instructions* given
by IOS Press (http://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/latex-and-word-
tools-for-book-authors/). The length of each submission for both Regular
and Innovative Applications papers must not exceed 12 pages. For papers
submitted to the Innovative Applications Track please insert: "Submitted to
IAT." at the beginning of the Latex \thanks{} footnote in the first page.

Important Dates

    - Paper submission open: 26 March 2018
    - Paper submission deadline: 20 April 2018
    - Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2018


A session will be organized for the demonstration of innovative
working *applications
and tools*. Systems of interest include (but are not limited to):

    - Innovative applications in law, medicine, e-democracy, risk
    assessment, intelligent user interfaces, recommender systems
    - Argumentation-based reasoners
    - Systems for generating arguments from knowledge bases
    - Systems for editing, presenting and judging arguments and
    - Collaborative and social systems based on argumentation
    - Simulations of dialogue-based argumentation
    - Argumentation-based agents and multi-agent systems
    - Decision support systems based on argumentation
    - Argument mining systems

All those intending to demonstrate a system should notify the *demonstrations
coordinator* (John Lawrence j.lawrence@dundee.ac.uk) by e-mail no later
than March 31 2018, specifying whether the demo is connected to a paper in
a conference track.

Where a demonstration is not connected to a paper in a track, a two
page *extended
abstract* about the system must also be submitted for review. Accepted
extended abstracts will be published in the conference *proceedings*. For
those demonstrations that are connected to a paper in the standard track or
innovative applications track, no separate abstract about the demonstration
should be submitted.

The submission site, format and deadlines for extended abstracts are the
same as for regular COMMA papers.

Important Dates

    - Deadline for notification to the demo coordinator: 31 March 2018
    - Extended abstract submission deadline: 20 April 2018
    - Notification of acceptance: 20 June 2018

Marcin Koszowy
University of Bia?ystok
[LOGIC] mailing list
Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/

provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam