28-31 Aug 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
CALL FOR PAPERS Symposium Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2018 (LACompLing2018) Stockholm, 28-31 August 2018 Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University http://staff.math.su.se/rloukanova/LACompLing2018-web/ ================================================ DESCRIPTION == Computational linguistics studies natural language in its various manifestations from a computational point of view, both on the theoretical level (modeling grammar modules dealing with natural language form and meaning, and the relation between these two) and on the practical level (developing applications for language and speech technology). Right from the start in the 1950ties, there have been strong links with computer science, logic, and many areas of mathematics - one can think of Chomsky's contributions to the theory of formal languages and automata, or Lambek's logical modeling of natural language syntax. The workshop assesses the place of logic, mathematics, and computer science in present day computational linguistics. It intends to be a forum for presenting new results as well as work in progress. -------------------------------- SCOPE == The workshop focuses mainly on logical approaches to computational processing of natural language, and on the applicability of methods and techniques from the study of artificial languages (programming/logic) in computational linguistics. We invite participation and submissions from other relevant approaches too, especially if they can inspire new work and approaches. The topics of LACompLing2018 include, but are not limited to: - Computational theories of human language - Computational syntax - Computational semantics - Computational syntax-semantics interface - Interfaces between morphology, lexicon, syntax, semantics, speech, text, pragmatics - Computational grammar - Logic and reasoning systems for linguistics - Type theories for linguistics - Models of computation and algorithms for linguistics - Language processing - Parsing algorithms - Generation of language from semantic representations - Large-scale grammars of natural languages - Multilingual processing - Data science in language processing - Machine learning of language - Interdisciplinary methods - Integration of formal, computational, model theoretic, graphical, diagrammatic, statistical, and other related methods - Logic for information extraction or expression in written and spoken language - Language theories based on biological fundamentals of information and languages - Computational neuroscience of language IMPORTANT DATES == Submission deadline, regular papers: 15 May 2018 (Anywhere on Earth / AoE) Submission deadline, abstracts: 31 May 2018 (AoE) Notifications: 15 June 2018 Final submissions: TBA LACompLing2018: between 28-31 Aug 2018 (few days, depending on the program) SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS == We invite original, regular papers that are not submitted concurrently to another conference or for publication elsewhere. Abstracts of presentations can be on work submitted or published elsewhere. - Regular papers: maximum 10 pages, including figures and references - Abstracts of contributed presentations: not more than 2 pages - The submissions of proposed papers and abstracts have to be in pdf - The camera-ready submissions require the pdf and their sources Authors are required to use Springer LNCS style files. Styles and templates can be downloaded from Springer, for LaTeX and Microsoft: http://www.springer.com/jp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines The submissions are via the EasyChair management system of LACompLing2018: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lacompling2018 PUBLICATIONS == - The proceedings of LACompLing2018 will be published digitally by the DiVA system of Stockholm University: http://su.diva-portal.org - Improved and extended versions of selected papers, which have been presented at the workshop LACompLing2018, will be published in a special issue of a journal after the workshop. ORGANIZERS == Krasimir Angelov, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Kristina Liefke, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany Roussanka Loukanova, Stockholm University, Sweden (chair) Michael Moortgat, Utrecht University, The Netherlands Satoshi Tojo, School of Information Science, JAIST, Japan CONTACT == Roussanka Loukanova (rloukanova@gmail.com) Kristina Liefke (Liefke@lingua.uni-frankfurt.de) -------------------------------- -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam