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KNAW Academy Colloquium "Generalised Baire Spaces"

22-24 Aug 2018
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

KNAW Academy Colloquium
Generalised Baire Spaces
Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen
Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Master Class: 22 August 2018 / Colloquium: 23-24 August 2018


Participation in this event is strictly limited to participants who have been 
invited by the Royal Academy. There is a limited number of invitation slots 
remaining. Researchers interested in participating in the event should contact 
the organisers (see below) and ask for an invitation to participate. 
Invitations do not come with any funding.

Speakers at the Master Class: Andreas Blass, Andrew Brooke-Taylor, Philipp 
Schlicht, and Jouko Vaananen.

Invited speakers at the Colloquium: David Aspero, Vera Fischer, Radek Honzik, 
Tapani Hyttinen, Yurii Khomskii, Giorgio Laguzzi, Diana Carolina Montoya, Luca 
Motto Ros, Dima Sinapova.

Short presentations by: Thomas Baumhauer, Filippo Calderoni, Vincenzo Dimonte, 
Peter Holy, Daisuke Ikegami, Marlene Koelbing, Vadim Kulikov, Sandra Mueller, 
David Schrittesser, Sarka Stejskalova, Dorottya Sziraki, Wolfgang Wohofsky, and 
Liuzhen Wu.

Organisers. Lorenzo Galeotti, Benedikt Loewe, Philipp Luecke. Send e-mail to 
bloewe (at) science (dot) uva (dot) nl.

Description of the event. Descriptive set theory and set theory of the reals 
traditional deal with well-known and well-studied topological spaces such as 
the real numbers, Cantor space, and Baire space. In recent years, set theorists 
are increasingly interested in the uncountable analogues 2^kappa of the Cantor 
space (generalised Cantor space) and kappa^kappa of the Baire space 
(generalised Baire space) for uncountable cardinals kappa.

While many concepts from the classical setting can be transferred to 
generalised Baire space and some classical results remain true at uncountable 
cardinals, in general the rich combinatorial nature of uncountable cardinals 
causes the theory of the corresponding spaces to differ significantly, e.g., 
notions which are equivalent in the classical setting can lead to different 
notions in the generalised theory. Phenomena like this shed light on structures 
and properties otherwise hidden in the classical setting.

The study of generalised Baire spaces has developed into a research area in its 
own right with a rich overarching theory, internally motivated open questions 
(cf. Khomskii, Laguzzi, Loewe, Sharankou 2016) and an active research 
community, combining methods and techniques from several branches of set theory 
like uncountable combinatorics, forcing, large cardinals, inner models and 
classical descriptive set theory and also involves techniques from classical 
model theory. The community met first at the Amsterdam Set Theory Workshop 2014 
in November 2014, then at a satellite workshop to the German mathematics 
congress in Hamburg in September 2015, and finally at a workshop at the 
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics in Bonn in September 2016. This Academy 
Colloquium is a reunion of the community after a hiatus of two years.

The Colloquium will be preceded by an associated KNAW Master Class for 
postgraduate students in order to prepare them for the talks at the Colloquium. 
The KNAW Master Class will take place on 22 August 2018.

The Colloquium is generously funded by the Koninglijke Nederlandse Academie van 
Wetenschappen, the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the 
Universiteit van Amsterdam, and the research project REGPROP at the 
Universitaet Hamburg (funded by the European Commission, grant number 706219).
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