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CLIB 2018: Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria

28-29 May 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

This is the second CFP for the third edition of the International Conference on 
Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2018) (http://dcl.bas.bg/clib/) to 
be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 28 and 29 May, 2018.

Prof. Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton): With a Little Help from NLP: 
My Language Technology Applications with Impact on Society
Dr. Zornitsa Kozareva (Amazon): Building Conversational Assistants using Deep 
Dr. Sujith Ravi (Google): Neural Graph Learning

CLIB covers a broad spectrum of areas related to natural language processing 
and computational linguistics focused on but not limited to Bulgarian.

CLIB invites contributions on original research, including, but not limited to 
the following topics:
semantics, syntax, grammar and the lexicon;
cognitive, mathematical and computational models of language processing;
lexical semantics and ontologies;
linguistic annotation ? POS tagging, syntactic and semantic parsing, etc.;
word sense disambiguation;
MWE recognition;
information extraction;
text analysis and summarisation;
NLP methods and applications;
corpus linguistics;
multilingual processing and applications, machiene translation and translation 

There will be a special session dedicated to wordnets and ontologies

There will be two categories of research papers: oral and poster presentations. 
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Papers 
shall be submitted in English.
On submission, please indicate whether you submit a paper for the main 
conference or for the special session on wordnets and ontologies.

Reviewing will be double blind. Each submission will be reviewed by at least 
two anonymous reviewers.

Additional information and CLIB 2018 style guidelines are available at the 
conference site: http://dcl.bas.bg/clib/instructions-for-authors/

20 Jan 2018: Paper submission deadline
3 March 2018: Notification to authors
20 March 2018: Camera-ready PDF due
15 May 2018: Proceedings publication date
28 ? 29 May 2018: Conference

You can contact us via the Conference e-mail: clib2018@dcl.bas.bg
Conference website: http://dcl.bas.bg/clib/
Also, consider joining our FB 
page: https://www.facebook.com/CompLingInBulgaria/.

Looking forward to your contributions!
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam