Logic List Mailing Archive

Colloquium "Dutch Book Arguments" (Prague, August 2005)


The Prague International Colloquium organized by The Institute of
Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and the Philosophy,
Probability, and Modeling research group at the University of Konstanz to
be held from AUGUST 23 TO 26 in PRAGUE at the Center for Higher Education
Studies, U Luzick?ho semin?re 13, Prague, Czech Republic.

The Colloquium continues the series of annual international meetings
organized in Prague by the Department of Logic of the Institute of
Philosophy. This colloquium will be devoted to philosophical problems
related to DUTCH BOOKS OF ALL TYPES, including synchronic and diachronic,
and their relation to the justification of probability theory as a model
of rational opinion.

The invited speakers include: BRAD ARMENDT (Arizona State University),
COLIN HOWSON (London School of Economics), JAMES M. JOYCE (University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor), PETER MILNE (Edinburgh).

The conference fee is EUR 150. (Participants unable to pay the conference
fee are encouraged to apply for a reduction.) The official language of the
symposium is ENGLISH.

If you are interested in presenting a paper at the colloquium, please
e-mail us a two-page abstract accompanied by a separate sheet with your
name, contact address, and affiliation by MARCH 31, 2005. Submissions
should be in one of the standard formats, i.e., MS Word, postscript, dvi,
or pdf.

For up-to-date information visit:




The conference is organized by TIMOTHY CHILDERS (Prague), ALAN H?JEK
(ANU), and FRANZ HUBER (Konstanz).

All correspondence concerning the symposium should be directed to


In case this e-mail does not work, correspondence can also be sent to:

Timothy Childers
Institute of Philosophy
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jilska 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
e-mail: {second name}@lorien.site.cas.cz
fax: +420-222220138

Alan H?jek
The Research School of the Social Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra ACT
Email: {first name first letter of last name}@coombs.anu.edu.au or
{first letter of first name last name}@hss.caltech.edu

Franz Huber
Philosophy, Probability, and Modeling research group
Center for Junior Research Fellows
University of Konstanz, PO Box M682
D-78457 Konstanz, Germany
e-mail: {first name}.{second name}@uni-konstanz.de
phone: ++49-7531-884885
fax: ++49-7531-88-4898
web: www.uni-konstanz.de/ppm/Huber