Logic List Mailing Archive

Book Symposium, Edouard Machery: "Philosophy within its Proper Bounds"

18 Dec 2017
Bochum, Germany

*Book Symposium*
*discussing: "Edouard Machery: Philosophy within its Proper Bounds, Oxford 
University Press 2017"*
*Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Monday: 18th of December 2017*

On Monday the 18th of December 2017, the Experimental Philosophy Group 
Germany organizes a book symposium with Edouard Machery and his latest 

Framework of the program:  2.00-7.00 p.m.

with an introductory talk by Edouard Machery

4 or 5 short commentaries of 15-20 minutes each followed by 20 minutes of 

Scientific organization:  Albert Newen and Pascale Willemsen


CALL for commentaries:

We invite postdocs to submit abstracts (max. 1000 words, one page with 
name and institutional address and title of the submission and one page 
for blind peer-review), making thesis and argument transparent, by 
submitting to: hilfskraefte-newen@rub.de 
<mailto:hilfskraefte-newen@rub.de> The presenting postdocs who will be 
selected based on a blind peer-review process will receive a financial 
support: within Germany 100 Euro, Rest of World  (200 Euro). Submission 
deadline is November 28th 2017.

Please send an email to by December 14th 2017 to hilfskraefte-newen@rub.de 

Valerie Zarges
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. A. Newen
Institut für Philosophie II
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
44801 Bochum
Tel.: (0049) 234-32 28139
Tel.: (0049) 234-32 22711
Fax:  (0049) 234-32 14963

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