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DCM 2018: Developments in Computational Models

8 Jul 2018
Oxford, England

                                                           DCM 2018
                 12th International Workshop on Developments in 
Computational Models
                                     A satellite event of FLoC 2018, Oxford
                                                          July 8, 2018 

Several new models of computation have emerged in the last years, and many 
developments of traditional computation models have been proposed with the 
aim of taking into account the new demands of users of computer systems 
and the new capabilities of computation engines.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are 
currently developing new computation models or new features for 
traditional computation models, in order to foster their interaction, to 
provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and to 
enable newcomers to learn about current activities in this area. The 
proceedings are produced after the meeting, so that authors can 
incorporate the workshop feedback in the published papers.

DCM 2018 will take place in Oxford on July 8, as a one-day satellite event 
of FLoC 2018, associated to LICS?18. This will be the 12th event in the 
series since 2005 - see the DCM website (http://dcm-workshop.org.uk/) for 
details of previous events.


Topics of interest include all abstract models of computation and their applications to the development of programming languages and systems. This includes (but is not limited to):

   * Functional calculi: lambda-calculus, pattern-calculi, combinatory
   logic, term and graph rewriting; * Object calculi; * Interaction-based
   systems: interaction nets, games, agent and multi-agent systems; *
   Concurrent models: process calculi, action graphs, distributed systems;
   * Calculi expressing locality, mobility, and active data; * Quantum
   computational models; * Biological or chemical models of computation;


Authors are invited to submit a short paper (max 8 pages). Preliminary 
proceedings will be available at the workshop. Papers should be written in 
English, and submitted in PostScript or PDF format, using the EPTCS style 
files (http://style.eptcs.org/). Submission is through the Easychair 



    * Submission deadline:           8 April 2018
    * Notification:                          15 May 2018
    * Pre-proceedings version:     27 May 2018
    * Workshop:                            8 July 2018
    * Full version of paper:           1 October 2018
    * Notification:                          1 December 2018
    * Final versions due:               15 December 2018

After the workshop authors are invited to submit a full paper taking into 
account the feedback given at their presentation. After a second round of 
refereeing, accepted contributions will appear in an issue of Electronic 
Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (www.eptcs.org).


   * Udo Dal Lago
   * Delia Kesner


   * Sandra Alves, University of Porto - PC Chair
   * Sabine Broda, University of Porto
   * Adriana Compagnoni, University of Edinburgh
   * Nachum Dershowitz, University of Tel Aviv
   * Mariangiola Dezani, University of Torino
   * Alessandra Di Pierro, University of Verona
   * Maribel Fernández, King's College London
   * Russ Harmer, ENS Lyon
   * Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
   * Luigi Liquori, INRIA Sophia
   * Ian Mackie, École Polytechnique
   * Elvira Mayordomo, University of Zaragoza
   * Simon Perdrix, LORIA-Nancy
   * Jamie Vicary, University of Oxford

For more information contact the organiser of the event:
Sandra Alves
University of Porto
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