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SYSMICS 2: Substructural logics

26-28 Feb 2018
Vienna, Austria


       Second SYSMICS Workshop "Substructural logics: semantics, proof
       theory and applications"

       Vienna, Austria, February 26-28, 2018

       Substructural logics are non-classical logics lacking some of the
       structural rules of classical logic, and are motivated by
       philosophical, linguistic and computational considerations.
       Traditionally, substructural logics have been investigated using
       proof theoretic and algebraic methods. In recent years, combined
       approaches have started to emerge. The program of this SYSMICS
       workshop will be focused on the interactions between syntactic and
       semantic methods in substructural and related logics, as well as
       their applications.

       If you would like to give a contributed talk, please submit an
       abstract of 1-3 pages in pdf via the EasyChair submission page:


       Participation will be free of charge, and everyone is welcome to
       attend with or without contributing a talk. Notification of
       attendance via email by 10th February, 2018 would be appreciated.
       All notifications and informal enquiries should be addressed to

       Limited travel grants may be available (please enquire).

       To be announced

       15th December 2017: abstract submission deadline
       22nd December 2017: author notification
       26?28th February 2018: workshop

       Federico Aschieri (TU Wien)
       Paolo Baldi (TU Wien)
       Agata Ciabattoni (TU Wien)
       Francesco Genco (TU Wien)
       Francesca Gulisano (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
       Roman Kuznets (TU Wien)
       Björn Lellmann (TU Wien)
       Tim Lyon (TU Wien)
       Matteo Pascucci (TU Wien)
       Revantha Ramanayake (TU Wien)

       This is the second workshop in the framework of the MSCA-RISE
       project SYSMICS (Syntax meets Semantics ? Methods, Interactions, and
       Connections in Substructural logics
       http://logica.dmi.unisa.it/sysmics/). We look forward to your
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