11-22 Sep 2017
Duesseldorf, Germany
============================================================= Final Call for Participation 9th DGfS Computational Linguistics Fall School September 11-22, 2017, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf http://cl-fallschool2017.phil.hhu.de/ ============================================================= The DGfS Computational Linguistics Fall School was established in 2001 by the Special Interest Group on Computational Linguistics of the German Linguistic Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, DGfS) as a biennial event for students who wish to broaden their knowledge of techniques and methods used in natural language processing. The motivation is to give interested students an understanding of innovative and emerging fields in computational linguistics, including fields not traditionally taught in standard degree programs. The 9th Fall School will take place from September 11 to September 22, 2017, at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany. The Fall School offers the following four courses, each of which consists of ten 90-minutes lectures: * Michael Franke (Universität Tübingen), Michael Henry Tessler (Stanford University): Computational Pragmatics * Hassan M. Sajjad, Fahim Imaduddin (Hamid Bin Khalifa University Qatar): Deep Learning for Machine Translation * Laura Kallmeyer, Timm Lichte, Rainer Osswald, Simon Petitjean (Universität Düsseldorf): Grammar Implementation with Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars and Frame Semantics * Felix Bildhauer (IDS Mannheim), Roland Schäfer (Freie Universität Berlin): Creation, Use, and Analysis of Linguistically Annotated Resources The courses can be attended selectively or together. All courses are taught in English. Students can receive credits for the courses at their home university under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Ten grants of EUR 150 each are available from the DGfS for enrolled students. Please apply to the local organizers, with proof of eligibility, in case you are interested. For further information on the Fall School and registration please visit: http://cl-fallschool2017.phil.hhu.de/ -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam