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FOUST II: Foundational Ontology

21-23 Sep 2017
Bolzano, Italy

2nd Workshop on Foundational Ontology (FOUST)

Co-located with the Joint Ontology Workshops, JOWO-2017, Bozen-Bolzano, 
Italy http://iaoa.org/jowo/2017/

Important dates:

Submission deadline: 17 July 2017
Notification of acceptance: 1 September 2017
Camera-ready version: 15 September 2017
Workshop date: 21-23 September 2017 @JOWO 2017(exact date TBD)

Workshop Topics

Foundational ontologies are attempts to systematise those categories of 
thought or reality which are common to all or almost all subject-matters. 
Commonly considered examples of such categories include 'object', 
'quality', 'function', 'role', 'process', 'event', 'time', and 'place'. 
Amongst existing foundational ontologies, there is both a substantial 
measure of agreement and some dramatic disagreements. There is currently 
no uniform consensus concerning how a foundational ontology should be 
organised, how far its 'reach' should be (e.g., is the distinction between 
physical and non-physical entities sufficiently fundamental to be included 
here?), and even what role it should play in relation to more specialised 
domain ontologies. The purpose of this workshop is to provide a forum for 
researchers to present work on specific foundational ontologies as well as 
foundational ontologies in general and their relations to each other and 
to the wider ontological enterprise.

Relevant topics include:

?  Changes to existing foundational ontologies / extension by new modules

?  Any specific category or topic usually covered by foundational ontology 
(e.g., functions, roles, time, mereology)

?  Theoretical results about specific foundational ontologies (e.g., 
consistency proof of significant parts of an existing foundational 

?  Comparison and alignments of foundational ontologies

?  Relationship between foundational ontologies and domain ontologies

?  Applications of foundational ontologies in AI, Semantic Web, 
Linguistics, etc.


We encourage different types of contribution:

Full research paper: Submitted papers must not exceed 10 pages (including 
the bibliography) and must include an abstract of no more than 300 words.

Short paper: Submitted papers must not exceed 6 pages (including the 
bibliography) and must include an abstract of no more than 300 words.

Papers should be submitted non-anonymously in PDF format following IOS 
Press formatting guidelines, which can be found at 

The Easychair submission page can be found at


(select the track "2nd Workshop on Foundational Ontology")

All contributions to JOWO workshops will be published in a joint CEUR 
proceedings volume, compare

http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1517/  for JOWO 2015,
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1660/  for JOWO 2016.


Workshop website: http://foust.inf.unibz.it/foust2/

E-mail:  foustworkshop@gmail.com<mailto:foustworkshop@gmail.com>


The FOUST II workshop will be co-located with the Joint Ontology Workshops 
(JOWO 2017) to be held in Bolzano-Bozen (Italy), 21-23 September 2017.


Workshop organizers

Antony Galton  -- University of Exeter
Fabian Neuhaus -- Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg

Confirmed Members of the Program Committee
Stefano Borgo, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR
Roberta Ferrario, Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies, CNR
Nicola Guarino, Laboratory for Applied Ontology,ISTC-CNR
Pierre Grenon, University College London
Michael Gruninger, University of Toronto
Oliver Kutz, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Frank Loebe, Leipzig University
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Barry Smith, SUNY Buffalo
Laure Vieu, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse

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