3-6 Jul 2017
Warsaw, Poland
We invite you to participate in a summer school on logic in computer science: https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~bojan/lipa-summer-school <https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~bojan/lipa-summer-school> which will be held in ** Warsaw, July 3-6 2017 ** The school consists of 4 mini-courses given by: ? Stephan Kreutzer (Berlin) TBA ? Joël Ouaknine (Saarbrücken) TBA ? Moshe Vardi (Rice) Linear-time verification and synthesis ? Miko?aj Boja?czyk (Warsaw, organiser) What is a recognisable language? Each mini-course is 6 hours long (4 x 90 minutes). The school is open to all who do the free registration. Depending on the number of registered participants, we will cover food (coffee breaks, lunches and maybe even one dinner) and some cheap student housing. We do not cover travel. The school is followed by ICALP: http://icalp17.mimuw.edu.pl/ <http://icalp17.mimuw.edu.pl/> The school is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant Lipa (A unified theory of finite state recognisability). -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam