21-23 Aug 2017
Natal, Brazil
The third edition of the FILOMENA Workshop <http://filomenaworkshop.weebly.com/> (Philosophy, Logic and Analytical Metaphysics), promoted by the Group for Logic and Formal Philosophy from the UFRN, Natal - Brazil, has the purpose of gathering logicians working at the intersection of Logic and Metaphysics, through the application of formal methods in Philosophy. Logic, a branch of Philosophy on its own, has outgrown its original purposes and found connections with other areas of Philosophy, such as Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Mind. Logic has proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing different philosophical theories, as well as their foundations and implications; moreover, the birth and development of non-classical logics has expanded its domain of application much beyond the dreams of its progenitors. Topics of interest for our workshop include, but are not limited to: - Modal metaphysics - Reference and descriptions - Philosophical topics in non-classical logics - Truth-values - Logical consequence - Logical pluralism - Meta-ontology? *INVITED SPEAKERS*: Tuomas Tahko (University of Helsinki) Jonas Arenhart (Federal University of Santa Catarina) Giorgio Venturi (State University of Campinas) The workshop will allow 30 minutes for each contributed talk, divided into 20 minutes for exposition followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The abstracts may be written in English or Portuguese. Abstracts should have at most 500 words and should include relevant information about the author (name, e-mail address, and scientific affiliation). Please submit an editable file (such as .doc, .odt, .tex) along with a .pdf file of your abstract. A model of the abstract in .tex is is available at https://goo.gl/vGzrvb. This year it is also possible to submit a proposal for a tutorial (two sessions of 2 hours each). The proposal must indicate the content that will be presented, along with relevant bibliography. The proposal may be written in English or Portuguese, should have at most 1000 words and include relevant information about the author (name, e-mail address, and scientific affiliation). Please submit an editable file (such as .doc, .odt, .tex) along with a .pdf file. Submissions must be sent to the email filomenaworkshop@gmail.com by *April 28* (old deadline: April 07), and the authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May 15. After the event, participants will have the chance to submit full papers for the proceedings of the event, which will be published online in a blind-reviewed book by the upcoming publisher of PPGFil <http://www.cchla.ufrn.br/ppgfil/>, the graduate program of Philosophy from UFRN. -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam