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COCOON 2005 (Kunming, China, Aug 2005)

COCOON 2005 Call for Papers

The 11th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference
(COCOON'05) will be held during Aug 16-19, 2005, in Kunming, Yunnan,
P.R.China. Original research papers in the areas of theoretical computer
science and combinatorics related to computing are solicited. In addition
to theoretical results, we are particularly interested in submissions that
report on experimental and applied research of general algorithmic
interest. Special consideration will be given to research that is
motivated by real-world problems. Experimental and applied papers are
expected to show convincingly the usefulness and efficiency of the
algorithms discussed in a practical setting. Typical, but not exclusive,
topics of interest include: ?

  a.. Algorithms and data structures;
  b.. Automata, languages, logic, and computability;
  c.. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology;
  d.. Combinatorics related to algorithms and complexity;
  e.. Complexity theory;
  f.. Computational algebra,  geometry, and number theory;
  g.. Computational learning theory and knowledge discovery;
  h.. Cryptography, reliability and security, and database theory;
  i.. Graph drawing and information visualization;
  j.. Graph theory, communication networks, and optimization;
  k.. Parallel and distributed computing;
  l.. Experimental analysis of algorithms

Submissions: The submission deadline is Feb. 18, 2005. COCOON'05 will only
accept electronic (PS, PDF) submissions. For detailed instructions on
submissions, please check our website later.


A submission should start with the title of the paper, the author's name,
affiliation, and e-mail address, and a one-paragraph summary of the
results. This should be followed by a scholarly exposition of the ideas,
techniques, and a full description of the results achieved.  A clear
indication of the motivation and comparison with prior or related work
should be presented. The paper should not exceed 10 pages on letter-size
paper using 11 point or larger font.

Submissions that deviate significantly from these guidelines and
electronic submissions that are unprintable risk rejection without
consideration of their merits.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, and will be available for
distribution at the conference.  A subset of selected papers will be
invited for publication in a special issue of Algorithmica.