8-12 May 2017
Pirenopolis, Brazil
XVIII EBL - XVIII Brazilian Logic Meeting Location: Pirenópolis, GO 8-12 May 2017 http://www.inf.ufg.br/ebl2017 *Extended Deadline* FEB 5, 2017! Please, disseminate this extended deadline. We cordially invite submissions of contributed papers on the general topics of Logic, including - Philosophical and Mathematical Logic, and Applications, - History and Philosophy of Logic, - Non-classical Logic and Applications, - Philosophy of Formal Sciences, - Foundations of Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics, among others. Abstracts to be submitted should be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English with a maximum of 300 words including title, name, keywords, affiliation and the essential bibliography. We are happy to host round tables proposals with a duration of at most two hours. They may be divided as desired, with a maximum of 4 and a minimum of 3 participants per session. The description and the title for the session should be of a maximum of 1500 words containing an abstract for each exposition including title, name, keywords, affiliation and bibliography. Each session must have a coordinating chair assigned in the proposal. The author(s) should send a .pdf file by email to eblXVIII@gmail.com or ebl2017@inf.ufg.br until FEB 5, 2017. Papers may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English, to fit a slot of 20 minutes (exposition) + 10 minutes (questions). The Scientific Committee will consider the following items when selecting the accepted papers: - relevance and importance of the topic, - originality, - quality of work, The list of accepted papers will be released on Feb 28, 2017. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for presenting the paper at the meeting. Each given participant may coauthor more than one paper, but will only be allowed to present a single talk. The EBL 2017 also aims to be a forum for presenting and discussing work in progress and therefore to provide feedback for authors on their preliminary research. The proceedings are produced after the meeting, so that authors can incorporate the feedback received in the published papers. We also invite you to visit the our web page (which is still under construction) and where you will soon find more information about the meeting and about Pirenópolis: http://www.inf.ufg.br/ebl2017 We apologize for multiple copies and ask you to disseminate this CFP. Wagner Sanz (co-chair) -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam