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2017 BSPS Doctoral Scholarship Competition, UK, Deadline: 7 March 2017

2017 Doctoral Scholarship Competition

The British Society for the Philosophy of Science is offering a 
scholarship for doctoral work in the philosophy of science at a UK 
university, subject to a candidate of sufficient merit presenting 

About the Scholarship

The competition is open to both UK/EU and international students. The 
scholarship will cover UK/EU fees at the UK Research Councils rate. 
International fees will be covered in part or in full, depending on the 
case, but will be covered at least up to UK/EU levels. The scholarship 
also includes a maintenance grant at the UK Research Councils rate 
(£14,296 in 2016/17; £16,296 in London). The scholarship will be awarded 
for a period equal to the institutional norm for PhD study at the 
student's institution minus any time already spent on the PhD. For 
example, applicants in their first year of postgraduate study at 
institutions that follow a 2+2 (Masters + PhD) model may apply for three 
years of funding to begin in the second year of their masters degree. 
Applicants must apply for all other sources of funding for which they are 
eligible. The scholarship is conditional on being accepted into an 
appropriate doctoral programme in philosophy of science at a UK university 
in time for the start of the 2017-18 academic year.


The closing date for applications is 7 March 2017.  Applicants are 
responsible for ensuring that complete applications, including references, 
arrive by the deadline.

The timing of the announcement of awards may be constrained by the timing 
of decisions by other funding bodies. Applicants with offers of funding 
from US institutions who require information prior to 15 April 2017 are 
encouraged to contact the BSPS at that time to enquire about the 
provisional outcome of their application.

How to Apply

A) Applicants should send (as a single PDF):
   A curriculum vitae (no more than 2 sides of A4);
   An outline of the proposed research (no more than 750 words);
   A statement that:
   i) confirms either that the applicant is not eligible for AHRC funding 
or that they have taken the necessary steps to be considered for such 
   ii) states how much other funding, if any, the applicant has already 
secured; and
   iii) states what other sources of funding have been applied for and the 
dates by which they will hear whether these applications have been 

In addition:

If the applicant has already been accepted into an appropriate doctoral 
programme, they should provide evidence that this is so. Otherwise, the 
award will be made to the successful candidate subject to confirmation of 
their having been accepted into an appropriate programme.

B) The proposed supervisor should send a brief statement (no more than 500 
words) to the Assistant to the Committee explaining why they are happy to 
supervise the applicant on the proposed project and how and why the 
supervisor?s institution is a good fit for the person and project. (See, 
also, the Additional Information below.)

C) Two academic referees (one of whom may be the proposed supervisor) 
should write reference letters directly to the Assistant to the Committee.

All documents should be sent by email to the Assistant to the Committee at 

Any queries should also be directed to the Assistant to the Committee.

Additional Information

A full BSPS scholarship will not be made to anyone with another source of 
funding. In cases where an awardee has partial funding from other sources, 
the size of the BSPS grant will be set accordingly. (For example, a 
successful applicant who has a fees-only award from elsewhere would still 
be eligible to receive a maintenance grant from the BSPS.)

Applicants may be in the position of considering a number of different 
departments for their doctoral studies and thus have a range of possible 
supervisors in mind. In this event, they should ask their currently 
preferred supervisor to write for them. Should an applicant be successful 
in the BSPS doctoral scholarship competition, but end up being accepted 
into a PhD programme at a different institution from that of the 
supervisor who initially wrote for them, it would still be possible to 
hold the award at the new institution, subject to a suitable endorsement 
from the new supervisor. It should be noted that where it is obvious that 
a given applicant and project is a good fit to supervisor and institution, 
supervisors? letters may be rather brief without thereby disadvantaging 
the candidate.

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