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PhiLang 2017: Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

12-14 May 2017
Lodz, Poland

*New deadline: 15 January 2017*

*The Fifth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and 
Linguistics (PhiLang 2017), University of Lodz (Poland), 12-14 May 2017*

The Department of English and General Linguistics at University of Lodz 
announces the *Fifth International Conference on Philosophy of Language 
and Linguistics* (http://filologia.uni.lodz.pl/philang/)

As in previous years, the principal aim of our Conference is to bring 
together philosophers, linguists and logicians. *PhiLang2017* will be 
concerned with "objects of inquiry" (or on "what there is") in language, 
philosophy, logic, argumentation theory, and literature. We also invite 
contributions investigating the general and more specific relations 
between philosophy of language, philosophy of literature, and philosophy 
of mind. Other possible areas of inquiry include (the list is not 

- Philosophical background of semantic and pragmatic theories

- Metaphilosophy and philosophy of language

- Philosophical and linguistic background of argumentation theory

The following scholars have accepted our invitation to address the 
conference as plenary speakers:

*Brendan S. Gillon* (McGill University): *What is the Object of 

*Peter Pagin* (Stockholm University): *What is Language for? The 
Complexity Arguments*

*Göran Rossholm* (Stockholm University): *Between Chance and Necessity: 
Reflexions on Literary Interpretations*

*Alberto Voltolini* (University of Turin): *Can One Refer to and Quantify 
over Intentional Objects of Hallucination?*

*Maciej Witek* (University of Szczecin): *Accommodation in Linguistic 

Two special sessions are also included in this edition of the conference. 
A *workshop on Wallace Stevens* 
(http://filologia.uni.lodz.pl/philang/Stevens) will address all aspects of 
his poetic praxis as well as Stevens' theoretical writings reflecting this 
praxis. The second, on the *Philosophy of Argumentation* 
(http://filologia.uni.lodz.pl/philang/Argumentation)  is dedicated to 
exploring the relationship between Linguistics and Philosophy of Language 
and Argumentation, as well as general aspects of argumentation theory.

Abstracts of papers, in MS Word format, of max. 300 words (followed by 5-7 
key terms) should be forwarded by e-mail to: philang2017@uni.lodz.pl.

*New deadline for submission is* *15 January 2017*. Presentations should 
last maximum 30 minutes (including discussion and questions). Notification 
of acceptance will be sent by 1 March 2017.

Selected conference proceedings will be published in monographic volumes 
in the new series of Peter Lang Studies in Philosophy of Language and 
Linguistics- *Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics* ( 

Fees for the conference, including special sessions, are as follows:

250 EUR (normal) or 125 EUR (doctoral students), for participants with 
foreign affiliation;

450 PL (normal) or 250 PLN (doctoral students), for participants with 
Polish affiliation.

For further details please visit: http://filologia.uni.lodz.pl/philang/

Organizing committee:

Prof. dr Piotr Stalmaszczyk

Dr Martin Hinton, Dr Aleksandra Majdzinska, Dr Wiktor Pskit, Mr Ryszard 

Department of English and General Linguistics, University of Lodz 
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