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Mathematical and Metaphysical Explanation Workshop

2-3 Feb 2017
Paris, France


Mathematical and Metaphysical Explanation Workshop

2-3 February 2017
IHPST, Paris, France

The Institute of History and Philosophy of Sciences and Techniques (IHPST) 
hosts a workshop on Mathematical and Metaphysical Explanation on the 2nd 
and 3rd of February 2017.

This is the first of two twin workshops to be jointly organized by IHPST 
and IUSS Pavia whose aim is to build a bridge a bridge between 
mathematical and metaphysical explanation, opening to unexplored and 
fruitful future directions of research.


There will be talks by:

Andrew Arana (University of Paris 1, IHPST)
Luca Incurvati (University of Amsterdam)
Marc Lange (University of North-Carolina at Chapel-Hill)
Hannes Leitgeb (University of Munich)
Mary Leng (University of York)
Daniele Molinini (University of Lisbon)
Francesca Poggiolesi (University of Paris 1, IHPST)
Stefan Roski (University of Hamburg)
Erik Weber (University of Ghent)

Organized by:
F. Poggiolesi (IHPST, Paris)
A. Sereni (IUSS, Pavia)

The workshop venue is:
Salle de conférence, 13 rue due four (2nd floor), 75006, Paris.

Attendance is free of charge but should be notified at the following 
address: poggiolesi@gmail.com (Subjet:MMExplanation)

A second workshop on these themes to be held in Pavia (expected: early 
fall 2017) will be advertised soon.
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam