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PhD student position in specification and verification of data-aware systems, Evry (France), Deadline: 9 Jan 2017

A PhD position is available within the JCJC project SVeDaS - Specification and 
Verification of Data-aware Systems, funded by the French Agence Nationale de la 
Recherche (ANR).

*The Project*

The JCJC project SVeDaS, led by Dr Francesco Belardinelli, is centered
around Data-aware Systems (DaS). In recent years Data-aware Systems
have been put forward as a comprehensive framework to model complex
business workflows by considering data and processes as equally
relevant tenets of the system description

The SVeDaS project is designed to advance the state-of-the-art in the
modelling, analysis and deployment of data-aware systems by using a
novel, compositional, agent-based approach to their specification and

For further information please visit


*The Position*

The PhD position is a fixed-term contract over 3 years, the time
normally allocated to a PhD in France. The PhD student will be part of
the Laboratoire IBISC (Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes
Complexes) of the Université de Saclay.

*Candidate's Profile*

- The candidate is required to have a very strong background in
   computer science, logics and formal methods
- Must be capable of programming in the most popular programming
   languages, including C, C++, Java
- Needs to have obtained a higher education degree in computer science
   or related area, with excellent grades
- Commitment, team working and a critical mind are also required
- Previous experience in formal verification by model checking and/or
   logics for multi-agent systems is preferred
- Good knowledge of the English language is mandatory. Knowledge of
   the French language is not strictly required

For enquiries please contact

Dr Francesco Belardinelli, Laboratoire IBISC, Evry, France.

Email: belardinelli@ibisc.fr

*How to apply*

Please send the following documents in pdf format to
belardinelli@ibisc.fr with the email subject ?SVeDaS - Application to
PhD position?:

- Academic CV
- Covering letter stating why you consider yourself suitable for the
   position and in which ways you intend to contribute to the SVeDaS
   project (maximum 2 pages A4)

References do not need to be included with the application, but
shortlisted applicants will need to send 3 reference letters at least
before interview.

Closing date: 9 January 2017

Expected start date: February 2017

You should assume that your application has been unsuccessful if you
have not heard from us by 4 weeks after the closing date.

Francesco Belardinelli
Departement d'Informatique
Université d'Evry

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