Logic List Mailing Archive

PROGIC 2017: Combining logic and probability

29-31 Mar 2017
Munich, Germany

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the
following event:

The 8th Workshop on Combining Logic and Probability (PROGIC 2017)

MCMP, LMU Munich

March 29-31, 2017

Progic 2017 is the 8th Workshop in the series of workshops focusing on the
combination of logic and probability. Progic 2017 will focus on *sever
Scholars who combine probability and logic to elaborate new solutions to
problems involving severe uncertainty are invited to submit an extended
abstract (~1000 words) for presentation at the workshop. Topics include but
are not restricted to

    - ambiguity aversion
    - argument strength
    - belief revision
    - causal modeling
    - conditional judgments
    - conditionalization
    - decision making under severe uncertainty
    - descriptive modeling of severe uncertainty
    - desirability (sets of desirable gambles)
    - group decision making & pooling
    - independence concepts
    - elicitation and scoring
    - formal epistemology & severe uncertainty
    - lexicographic probabilities
    - probability logic
    - machine learning and severe uncertainty
    - Markov series & severe uncertainty

*Easychair Submission Instructions* Please submit a short abstract (max.
100 words) and an extended abstract (max. 1000 words) through the easychair
automatic submission system by *20th of December, 2016*. Prepare both of
your abstracts for blind review and save your extended abstract as a PDF
file. Then follow the link to our easychair site
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=progic2017>. If you have never
used easychair before you will need to create an account. When logged in,
go to the new submission page. Include your 100 word abstract and upload
the PDF file of your extended abstract.

Consult the call for papers for further details:
Program Chair

    - Gregory Wheeler

PROGIC Steering Committee

    - Niki Pfeifer
    - Jan-Willem Romeijn
<http://www.philos.rug.nl/%7Eromeyn/index.html>  (University
    of Groningen)
    - Gregory Wheeler
    - Jon Williamson <https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/jonw/> (University of Kent)

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Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/

provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam