20-23 Jun 2017
Bologna, Italy
SILFS 2017: Triennial International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science Bologna, Italy, 20-23 June 2017 SILFS 2017, the triennial international conference of the Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of Science, will be held at the Department of Philosophy and Communication of the University of Bologna, 20-23 June 2017. Confirmed invited speakers: Giovanna D?Agostino (Università di Udine) Francesco Guala (University of Milan) Eleanor Knox (King?s College London) Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter) joint invitation with BIOM (Società Italiana di storia, filosofia e studi sociali della biologica e della medicina) Jan von Plato (University of Helsinki) Dag Westerståhl (University of Stockholm) CALL FOR PAPERS Submissions: We invite submissions of contributed paper and of contributed symposia in all areas of logic and philosophy of science. The deadline for submission is January 15th, 2017. The official language of the conference is English. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Classical and Non-classical Logics Computational Logic and Applications of Logic Foundations of Logic and Mathematics Formal Philosophy of Science and Formal Epistemology General Philosophy of Science Historical Aspects of Logic Historical Aspects in the Philosophy of Science Metaphysical Issues in the Philosophy of Science Methodology Philosophy of Behavioural Sciences Philosophy of Cognition Philosophy of Logic Philosophy of Medicine Philosophy of the Social Sciences Philosophy of the Life Sciences Philosophy of the Physical Sciences Proof Theory Semantic Aspects of Logic Contributed papers: Every contributed speaker will have 30 minutes, including discussion. Potential contributors will have to submit their contributions by using the EasyChair submission page. In detail, they have to write a title, a short abstract in plain text, a list of 3-5 keywords (as required by EasyChair) and upload a one page long (maximum) abstract (including references) written using one of the templates: (LaTeX or Word) available at http://www.silfs.it/silfs-2017-cfp/. Contributed symposia: Contributed symposia run parallel to the SILFS 2017 programme, and belong to the conference programme. They would be allocated either a full two-hours session (3-4 speakers) or one half-day (6-7 speakers). Proposals for contributed symposia should be sent by using the EasyChair submission page. In detail, they have to write a title of the symposium, a short abstract in plain text, a list of 3-5 keywords (as required by EasyChair) and upload a proposal written using one of the templates: (LaTeX, Word) available at http://www.silfs.it/silfs-2017-cfp/. . The proposal must include: The names and e-mail of the organizer(s) and the speakers of the affiliated symposium. A title and a 1-2 pages long description of the aim and scope of the symposium. Short abstracts (max 300 words) of the planned talks. Organizing committee: Francesco Bianchini Raffaella Campaner Guido Gherardi Alessandro Kassapidis Eugenio Orlandelli Elena Pallottini Lorenzo Sartori Alessandro Zanichelli For further information please visit: http://www.silfs.it/silfs-2017-home/ or contact the SILFS secretary, Eugenio Orlandelli: eugenio. orlandelli@unibo.it -- [LOGIC] mailing list http://www.dvmlg.de/mailingliste.html Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/ provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam