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Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowships at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley CA (U.S.A.), Deadline: 15 Dec 2016

The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC Berkeley invites 
applications for Research Fellowships for academic year 2017-18.

Simons-Berkeley Research Fellowships are an opportunity for outstanding 
junior scientists (at most 6 years from PhD by Fall 2017) to spend one or 
both semesters at the Institute in connection with one or more of its 
programs.  The programs for 2017-18 are as follows:

* Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization (Fall 2017)
* Real-Time Decision Making (Spring 2018)
* The Brain and Computation (Spring 2018)

Applicants who already hold junior faculty or postdoctoral positions are 
welcome to apply. In particular, applicants who hold, or expect to hold, 
postdoctoral appointments at other institutions are encouraged to apply to 
spend one semester as a Simons-Berkeley Fellow subject to the approval of 
the postdoctoral institution.

Further details and application instructions can be found at 
http://simons.berkeley.edu/fellows2017.  Information about the Institute 
and the above programs can be found at http://simons.berkeley.edu.

Deadline for applications: 15 December, 2016.
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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam