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Agent-based modelling across social science, economics, and philosophy

21-22 Oct 2016
Bamberg, Germany

Call for Papers

"Agent Based Modelling across Social Science, Economics, and
Bamberg, Germany
21.10.2016 - 22.10.2016

Agent-based models (ABM) are a recent tool in philosophy and the social 
sciences. To date, ABMs have been applied to a wide variety of topics 
ranging from simulating ecological systems to highly idealized models of 
opinion dynamics or emerging social norms. This workshop aims to bring 
together different approaches to ABM in philosophy and the social 
sciences. The objective is to represent the wide spectrum of applications 
of ABM and encourage exchange between various approaches. A further 
objective is to foster discussion about the nature of ABMs and the 
opportunities and potential pitfalls of their use in these disciplines.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to

   ·  Patterns of Conflict and Cooperation
   · Social Capital
   · Tax Compliance
   · Competition between Political Parties
   · Belief and Opinion Dynamics
   · Emerging Norms of Cooperation
   · The Role and Functioning of Toy Models
   ·  Philosophy of Science of Simulations

To submit, please upload an extended abstract of 3 pages or less to
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=abmasep16 no later than* August 31*

Conference participation is free of charge. Travel subsidies are available.

Selected contributions will be invited to submit for a special issue
"Agent-based Models in Economics, Philosophy and the Social Sciences" of
the journal Historical Social Research (HSR).

Historical Social Research (HRS) is an international, peer-reviewed
English-language journal for the application of formal methods in the
social sciences. The scope of the journal includes quantitative research
and computer-assisted qualitative research in the social sciences and
historical sociology. The journal explicitly endorses interdisciplinary
work, in particular involving fields such as philosophy, economics, and the
information sciences. Historical Social Research is published by GESIS, the
Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany.
HSR offers full and open access to all articles through its website. All
articles are also accessible through JSTOR. The journal is abstracted and
indexed in SocINDEX, Social Science Citation Index, and several other
systems (see self-description and profile on www.hsr-retro.de). HSR authors
retain the right to publish their HSR article on their own websites and
other non-commercial platforms.

Kai Fischbach (Bamberg)
Dominik Klein (Bamberg/Bayreuth)
Johannes Marx (Bamberg)

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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam