Logic List Mailing Archive

Directions in Computability Theory: A meeting in memory of Barry Cooper

17 Sep 2016
Leeds, England


A meeting in memory of Barry Cooper, who died last autumn, will be held In 
the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds, on Saturday September 17th 

All friends and former students of Barry's, as well as anyone interested 
in Mathematical Logic, is welcome to attend. The focus will be on 
Computability Theory, particularly with reference to Barry's work.

Barry was a central figure in the study of Computability Theory in the UK, 
and had a large number of research students and postdoctoral assistants. 
He was a founding member and president of the Association Computability in 
Europe (CiE). In recent years, he also achieved a high profile because of 
his work in promoting awareness of the Alan Turing Centenary.

The meeting will consist of 4 talks followed by a dinner in the evening, 
together with a jazz performance. (Barry was a founder and keen member of 
the Leeds Jazz Club).

The speakers are:

* Marat Arslanov (Kazan State University)
* Andrew Lewis-Pye, (London School of Economics)
* Theodore A. Slaman (University of California, Berkeley)
* Andrea Sorbi (University of Siena)

You are invited to register as soon as possible. There is no registration 
fee, but a contribution will be requested for those coming to the dinner. 
Information on registration and further details of the meeting can be 
found at the webpage:


Barry Cooper Meeting - 
www1.maths.leeds.ac.uk Barry Cooper was an influential figure for many 
years in British Mathematical Logic and Computability Theory. He has left 
an extensive legacy in this country and ...

Current and recent PhD students are encouraged to attend. We may be able 
to provide modest travel grants for these. (Please refer to the webpage.)

Supported by the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds and the 
British Logic Colloquium.

The meeting is organised by:  Charles Harris 
(C.M.Harris@leeds.ac.uk<mailto:C.M.Harris@leeds.ac.uk>) John Truss 
(J.K.Truss@leeds.ac.uk<mailto:J.K.Truss@leeds.ac.uk>) and Stan Wainer 

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