Logic List Mailing Archive

Postdoctoral Associate position on information flow security, London (England)


I am hiring a postdoctoral associate for 14 months on a project having the 
following goals:

(1) Develop an expressive, compositional and quasi-automated framework for 
information flow security of web-based systems.

(2) Use this framework to produce the world's first feature-rich and 
security-verified social media platform, in collaboration with an 
industrial partner: https://www.globalnoticeboard.com

The position is based at the Middlesex University London, and offers a 
competitive salary. Please contact me if: you are interested, have a PhD, 
and have expertise in proof assistant technology. Experience with 
Isabelle/HOL is a plus. For informal inquiries about the position, I can 
also be contacted while at IJCAR 2016 in Coimbra or ITP 2016 in Nancy.

For some background on the kind of verification I have in mind, see the 
following papers and verified systems:






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provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam