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CSLP 2016: Constraints and Language Processing

17-21 Oct 2016
New York NY, U.S.A.

Call for papers

8th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing, CSLP 2016

One day of 17?21 Oct, 2016

A workshop affiliated with ICLP: 32th International Conference of Logic 
Programming<http://software.imdea.org/Conferences/ICLP2016/> 2016, New 
York, USA

Organized by
Henning Christiansen<http://www.ruc.dk/~henning>, Roskilde University, Denmark
Verònica Dahl<http://www.sfu.ca/people/veronica.html>, Simon Fraser University, Canada.

Workshop Purpose: Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer 
science, psychology and many other fields. How they are used, however, 
varies widely according to the research domain: natural language 
processing, knowledge representation, cognitive modeling, problem solving 
mechanisms, etc.

Since 2004, the CSLP workshop series has addresses different constraint 
oriented ways of modeling and treating language, and this time ? the 7th 
CSLP workshop ? is affiliated with the International Conference of Logic 
Programming, and focuses (non-exclusively) on logic programming based 

This workshop addresses the question of how to best integrate constraints 
from an interdisciplinar perspective and with logic programming as a 
pivot, in view of powerful and robust human language processing. The 
topics include, but are not limited to, constraint-based linguistic 
theories, constraints in human language comprehension and production, 
constraint handling rules (CHR) and constraint handling rule grammars 
(CHRG), context modeling and discourse interpretation, acquisition of 
constraints, grammar induction through constraints, probabilistic 
constraint-based reasoning, constraint satisfaction technologies and 
constraint logic programming ? all around the axis of logic programming.

Several years of CSLP workshops (see left menu) aiming at integrating the 
different approaches on Constraint Solving and Language Processing shed 
light upon possible common frameworks capable of explaining how 
constraints play a role in representing, processing and acquiring 
linguistic information, and this from a formal, technical, and cognitive 
perspective. Among these frameworks, those that contained logic 
programming as a main aspect emerged as the most promising ones, e.g.. 
Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) as an extension to the logic programming 
language Prolog has added a mechanism for forward-chaining reasoning to 
complement Prolog's standard backwards chaining, goal-directed style. The 
combination of the two proved to provide a very powerful reasoning 
framework that creates an extended potential in applying logic programming 
for language processing and reasoning. Such results allow us to predict 
that adding logic programming may quite likely jump-start a whole new area 
of research that stands to revolutionize and revitalize formal logic 
approaches to NLP, adding robustness and flexibility to the models that 
can now be achieved, while elegantly marrying efficiency with direct 

Topics include, but are not limited to:

   *   Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards (Constraint) Logic Programming
   *   Application of Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming for language analysis and production
   *   Constraint based modeling, comprehension and production of language
   *   Context modelling and discourse interpretation
   *   Acquisition of constraints
   *   Constraints and learning
   *   Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint
   *   New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories
   *   Constraint satisfaction technologies for language processing
   *   Models of an applications for other than textual or spoken languages, e.g., sign languages and biological, multimodal human-computer interaction, visual languages
   *   Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning for language and context comprehension

See also: all information about previous CSLP workshops and 

Submission: Authors are invited to submit a full paper of up to 12 pages. 
Papers must be submitted electronically as PDF files and be prepared using 
the Springer LNAI/LNCS format. Previously published papers cannot be 
accepted, but new and perhaps preliminary work are welcome. Submissions 
will be reviewed by the international program committee. One author for 
each accepted paper must attend the workshop in order to present the 
paper. Proceedings will be made available for the participants and made 
available online.

Submission site: Please submit your paper via the easychair system 

Important dates:

   *   Submission deadline: June 22, 2016
   *   Notification: August 1, 2016
   *   Final copy due: September 10, 2016
   *   Workshop: One day of 17?21 Oct, 2016
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