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CfP special issue of 'Philosophy & Technology' on Logic as Technology, Deadline: 15 Jun 2016
CFP: Special issue of Philosophy and Technology on "Logic as
*Deadline for submission extended to 15 June 2016*
This special issue initiates Philosophy and Technology?s new subject area
on logic and technology by proposing to explore novel insights from the
natural, yet in philosophical contexts still uncommon juxtaposition of
logic and technology. Instead of considering questions regarding the
philosophical relevance of how logic is applied in technology (as
witnessed by the role of recursion theory, the foundation of computation,
in logic), as a means to reason about technology (reasoning about
programs, security, etc.), or even how technology is used to learn more
about logic (e.g. with the help of theorem-provers), we suggest to explore
how our thinking about logic can be shaped by our thinking about
technology. This includes, first and foremost, the suggestion that we can
see logic as a technology by avoiding the common restriction of technology
to physical artefacts and the even more traditional restriction of logic
to symbolically formulated deductive systems. Abstract or semantic
artefacts are technologies, and logic is?like mathematics?a typical
example of such a technology.
The proposal to see logic as a technology emphasises the mutual
interaction between technology and philosophy, but also addresses the
deeper issue that the traditional scope of the philosophy of logic does
not include influential uses and applications of logic in or related to
computer science, economics, cognitive science, or linguistics, as central
or essential uses of logic. Indeed, the exclusive focus on logic as a
universally applicable standard for correct deductive reasoning, and the
common suggestion that reasoning in the vernacular is the notional domain
of application for deductive logic, blocks the development of a common
understanding of logics as codifications of validity and of logics as
formal modelling tools.
A general header under which we can study logics as technologies starts
from the insight that logical systems and theories are (pick your
preferred term) developed, engineered or designed, and are often so with a
particular application in mind. Even when influenced or inspired by
existing linguistic and inferential practices, they are rarely the result
of merely extracting the formal structure of pre-existing rational ways of
reasoning, arguing or communicating. Many of their properties are,
instead, best seen as the result of design or modelling decisions.
Related worries about mainstream philosophy of logic have been voiced in
many different contexts, and can be tied to lines of inquiry in
neighbouring disciplines. With an explicit focus on logic, we find it
whenever the practice of conceptual analysis is explicitly approached in
terms of conceptual and scientific modelling (Floridi 2011, Löwe & Müller
2011), and requires us to think explicitly about practical and theoretical
trade-offs (Shapiro 2014). The renewed interest in Carnapian explication
(Carus 2008, Dutilh Novaes & Reck 2015) further underscores this general
development in contemporary theoretical and formal philosophy, whereas
insights from cognitive sciences have led to specific studies of
mathematics (De Cruz & De Smedt 2010, Netz 1999, Widom & Schlimm 2012) and
logic (Dutilh Novaes 2012) as cognitive technologies. Finally, a more
critical side of this focus on how formal languages are constructed can be
found in Stokhof and van Lambalgen?s recent analysis of the role of formal
languages in contemporary linguistics.
We welcome papers that explore the potential connections between logic and
technology, and further develop fruitful ways of technological thinking
about logic. This includes, but is not restricted to contributions that
fall in one of the following categories:
+ Insights drawn from the history of logic, and inquiries into the
historical grounds for seeing logic as an abstract artefact.
+ Insights drawn from the philosophy of technology, and applications to
logic of specific ways of looking at technology.
+ Insights from the philosophy of the formal sciences, and from science
and technology studies, including the philosophy of modelling, and the
practice and foundations of programming.
**June 15, 2016: Deadline for paper submissions**
August 15, 2016: Deadline reviews papers
October 15, 2016: Deadline revised papers
2017: Publication of the special issue
To submit a paper for this special issue, authors should go to the
journal?s Editorial Manager http://www.editorialmanager.com/phte/
The author (or a corresponding author for each submission in case of co-
authored papers) must register into EM. The author must then select the
special article type: "SI on Logic as Technology? from the selection
provided in the submission process. This is needed in order to assign the
submissions to the Guest Editors.
Submissions will then be assessed according to the following procedure:
New Submission => Journal Editorial Office => Guest Editor(s) => Reviewers
=> Reviewers? Recommendations => Guest Editor(s)? Recommendation =>
Editor-in-Chief?s Final Decision => Author Notification of the Decision.
The process will be reiterated in case of requests for revisions.
For any further information please contact: Patrick Allo
[LOGIC] mailing list
Archive: http://www.illc.uva.nl/LogicList/
provided by a collaboration of the DVMLG, the Maths Departments in Bonn and Hamburg, and the ILLC at the Universiteit van Amsterdam