Logic List Mailing Archive

ECAP 9: European Congress of Analytic Philosophy

21-28 Aug 2017
Munich, Germany

The Ninth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 9)

LMU Munich, Germany

21-28 August 2017


The European Society for Analytic Philosophy (ESAP;
http://analyticphilosophy.eu/) organizes a major congress every three
years. The next congress (ECAP 9) will take place at LMU Munich, Germany,
from 21-28 August 2017. A call for contributed papers and symposia
proposals will be announced in July 2016. The submission deadline will be 8
January 2017.

PLENARY SPEAKERS: Anthony Appiah <http://appiah.net/> (NYU), Michael
Friedman <http://web.stanford.edu/dept/HPS/friedman.html> (Stanford), Pierre
Jacob <http://jacob.nicod.ens.fr/> (Paris), and Rae Langton
<http://www.newn.cam.ac.uk/person/professor-rae-langton/> (Cambridge)

PANEL SPEAKERS: Peter Adamson 
(LMU), Franz Berto 
(Amsterdam), Paul Egre <http://paulegre.free.fr/> (Paris), Christian List 
<http://personal.lse.ac.uk/list/> (LSE), Anna Sofia Maurin 
<http://flov.gu.se/english/contact/staff/anna-sofia-maurin> (Gothenburg), 
Serena Olsaretti 
<http://www.upf.edu/filosofiapolitica/en/faculty/faculty/so.html> (Pompeu 
Fabra), Sonia Roca Royes <http://www.sonia-rocaroyes.net/> (Stirling), 
Helen Steward 
<http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/profile/20042/455/helen_steward> (Leeds), 
Elliott Sober <http://sober.philosophy.wisc.edu/> (Madison), and Philippe 
van Parijs <https://www.uclouvain.be/11688.html> (Leuvain-la-Neuf)

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European Society for Analytic Philosophy
c/o Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 Munich
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